满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Have you seen the film______? --- Yes, ...

—Have you seen the film______?   --- Yes, I saw it three years_______>

A. before, ago     B. ago, before     C. ago, ago


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你以前看过这部电影吗?---是的,三年前我就看过了。before是现在完成时的标志,ago是一般过去式的标志。故选A。 考点:考查副词的用法。  




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Dear Tom,

I am glad that you will come to Beijing!







Best wishes.


Li Hua





I’m a student. __________________ her?


__________________ the movie“Interstellar”.


The bus station is __________________ of the hospital.


__________________ go swimming with us?


Do you need to __________________ your speech?




1.—What’s in your __________[bəeg]?

—Some books.

2.My friend likes to ________[meɪk] birthday cards.

3.The tiger is a very ________[lɑ:dʒ] animal and usually lives alone.

4.His mother works in a hospital,and she is a _______['dכktə].




There are many interesting holidays in the United States. In fact,there are holidays in almost every month. Take January for example. The first day of January is New Year’s Day. Like the Chinese people,American people also celebrate the beginning of each year. People sometimes spend this day watching football games.

In January or February,many people in the U. S. celebrate the Chinese New Year. On this day, many families will clean their homes and get ready for the New Year. They will wear new clothes and share delicious food. They will give each other red envelops with money for good luck in the coming year. They will also light firecrackers to chase away bad luck.

The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. Children and fathers will buy beautiful presents for mothers. On that day,all mothers will be very happy.

Different from China. the American Labor Day is in September,not in May. It is on the first Monday in September. On that day,people will honor all the working people in the U.S.

Thanksgiving Day is the 4th Thursday in November. On this day,people will remember how the Indians helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to farm and hunt. On this day,people will give thanks for food, for their country,and for their families.

1.Are there holidays in almost every month in the US?

2.Who will buy presents for mothers on Mother's Day?

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?



Come to the library. Please come in. Are you a student? This is a good place to study. Please,close the door softly. Everyone is quiet here. Students study in quiet places.


There are many books here. There are many different kinds. You can use them for your classes. There are books about other countries,like Japan and Mexico. You can find history books,too. Take one. Read about the old days. Or read a literature(文学) book. Read stories. Stories are one kind of literature. The library is a quiet place. So it is a good place to study. Many students come here. They use the computers. They read school books of all kinds. For example,they read science books. The students study their lessons. They find answers to questions in books. There is a big dictionary,too. It is on a special little table. It’s in the corner. There is information at the library for students’ papers.

There are librarians here. Librarians help students. They know all about books. They can find information fast. They help students with their work.

One librarian is Bill Church. Bill is a quiet man. But you can talk to him. You can even call him on the telephone. You can ask him questions. He will help you. He finds answers to questions. He uses the computers in the library. He knows answers to many questions. He can find books and information fast.

There are many things to do. You can read for fun. You can look at pictures. You can play on the computers. But don’t talk loud! Libraries are quiet places for people to read. A person must not talk loud in a library. A person must whisper. Go to the library and enjoy it. But please,be quiet for other people.

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1.Students come to the library ____________.

A. to make friends        B. to read for fun

C. to make phone calls    D. to talk with librarians

2.What does the underlined word “whisper” mean?

A. Talk quietly.     B. Speak loudly.

C. Be quiet.     D. Read fast.

3.What does a librarian do to help students?

A. He reads books for students.

B. He saves some documents for students.

C. He finds books fast for students.

D. He writes down the students’ names.

4.What is the best title?

A. Let’s Read Together

B. Come To The Library

C. A Good Place To Work At

D. Libraries Have Big Dictionaries



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