满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空(15分) Dennis is a schoolboy from Sha...


Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai. He     some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. He wants to     . So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of     food. He     junk food. He is going to make a soccer       because he likes it and he is also good at       soccer. He is going to be a          of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his         . He is going to read English      morning. He is going to      a pen pal      England or Australia. And he is going to write letters or e-mails in English       his pen pal.       he grows up, he is going to be a doctor for children. He wants      sick people. He is going to a medical school. He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks        children will be great.

1.A、had     B、made     C、did

2.A、keep fit    B、keep young   C、keep old

3.A、healthier    B、unhealthier   C、worse

4.A、didn’t eat   B、is going to eat   C、isn’t going to eat

5.A、team    B、test     C、taxi

6.A、play    B、plays     C、playing

7.A、player    B、student    C、friend

8.A、Chinese    B、English    C、Japanese

9.A、very    B、every     C、once

10.A、find    B、have     C、got

11.A、on     B、at     C、in

12.A、with       B、in     C、on

13.A、Where    B、When    C、Why

14.A、to help    B、help     C、helping

15.A、looking for   B、looking like   C、looking after


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文讲的是一个叫Dennis的学生昨天制订了自己的新年的计划,文中详细说明了他的未来的打算及想做的事情。 1. 有;B、made 制定;C、did做,句意:昨天他制定了一些新年的计划。根据句意“制定计划”是要用动词make,故选B。 2. fit保持健康;B、keep young保持年轻;C、keep old保持年龄大,句意:他想保持健康。根据上下文及语境是他想保持健康,所以选A。 3. B、unhealthier更不健康的;C、worse更糟糕的,句意:因此他打算更多的锻炼和吃许多更健康的食物。根据句意及语境是吃更健康的食物,所以此题选A。 4. eat没有吃过;B、is going to eat 打算吃;C、isn’t going to eat不打算吃,句意:他不打算吃垃圾食品。根据上文他想保持健康,所以他不吃垃圾食品,故选C。 5. C、taxi出租车,句意:他打算成立一个足球队因为他喜欢足球并且擅长踢足球。根据句意及语境是成立足球队,所以选A。 6. 7. 8. 9. B、every每一个;C、once一次,句意:他打算每天早上读英语。根据句意“每个早上”要用every,故选B。 10. B、have有; C、got获得,句意:他想在英国或澳大利亚找到一位笔友。根据句意“找到”应用动词find,故选A。 11. 12. 13. 哪里;B、When在什么时候;C、Why为什么,句意:当他长大时他想成为一名儿童医生。根据句意“当……时候”应用when,故选B。 14. 15. for寻找;B、looking like看起来像;C、looking after照顾,句意:他喜欢孩子们并且他认为照顾小孩子是伟大的。根据句意及语境是“照顾”的意思,故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文

This book is       that one.

A、more interesting

B、as interesting as

C、most interesting



You can’t live       water        air(空气).

A、with, and    B、without, or   C、with, or



The computer is        of the three.


B、the most expensive

C、the more expensive



Rosa       to do chores but she has to do them every day.

A、likes.     B、hates     C、wants



To       fit, you should take 15-minute exercise every day.

A、have     B、build     C、keep



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