满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The safety of food has become one of the...

The safety of food has become one of the _________ problems in our daily life.

A. more expensive      B. more important

C. most expensive    D. most important


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:食品安全已经成为我们日常生活中最重要的问题之一。分析:考查固定句型:one of +形容词的最高级+可数名词复数。明确食品重要问题,因此第四项正确。故选 D 考点:考查形容词的最高级。  

We are supposed to ___________a solution to stop people from looking down at their mobile phones while driving cars.

A. come up with        B. come from

C. come out            D. come true



The left-behind kids(留守儿童)can’t see their parents_________ the parents come back home from work.

A. but     B. until   C. or             D. if



---- Excuse me, could you please tell me ________?

---- Yes, there is a history museum.

A. how often do you go to the history museum

B. are there any good museums in Kunming.

C. how long it takes to get to the history museum

D. if there are any good museums in Kunming.



Teenagers should be encouraged to go ______and be close to nature.

A. inside            B. back   C. outside           D. off



----- Hey guys, Chinese way of _______the road is very dangerous. You must wait for the green lights on。

----- Thank you for your advice, sir.

A. going            B. walking     C. crossing         D. passing



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