满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

“My dear dad, where are we going?” Have ...

“My dear dad, where are we going?” Have you ever heard of this question? It’s from the song of Hunan TV station’s show: Where Are We Going, Dad?

The show is played on Fridays. In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids go to strange places and finish interesting tasks. The fathers learn to cook and look after their kids. The kids learn about being independent (独立的).

Wang Lu, 13, from Hebei, says, “I like Kimi very much, though he finds it hard to finish the work alone. You know, he is so young.”

Zhao Jingjing, 14, from Jiangsu, says, “I like Guo Tao’s son very much. He looks strong-minded. He doesn’t cry when he meets trouble, and he can often look after himself and even other kids.”

On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up, and adults learn to be better parents. Maybe we can plan a trip with our parents. Shall we go?

1.When can we watch the show on TV?

A. On Wednesdays. B. On Thursdays.

C. On Fridays.    D. On Saturdays.

2.How many pairs of fathers and kids are in the show?

A. Four.   B. Five.    C. Six.      D. Seven.

3.In the show, who finds it hard to finish the work alone?

A. Wang Lu.         B. Guo Tao’s son.

C. Zhao Jingjing.    D. Kimi.

4.What does the underlined word strong-minded mean?

A. 意志坚强的     B. 意志脆弱的

C. 爱笑的         D. 爱哭的

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. This most popular show is played on Hubei TV station.

B. To grow up, we need to be strong-minded and independent.

C. In the show, kids learn to cook and look after their fathers.

D. Zhao Jingjing is from Hebei and she likes Kimi very much.


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了电视节目《爸爸去哪儿》的内容和大家对这个节目的观点。《爸爸去哪儿》这个节目每周五播出。里面有5对父亲和自己的孩子,父亲学着做饭和照顾孩子,孩子学习独立和坚强。有的观众喜欢Kimi, 有的观众喜欢郭涛的儿子,认为他坚强。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


May 2, Saturday

We arrived in Hangzhou at 3:00 pm. After we walked out of the train station, we took a taxi to the hotel. The hotel was very clean. We stayed there for three days. Then we wanted to travel to Hainan.

May 5, Tuesday

In the morning we went to Hainan by plane. The people in Hainan were very friendly. Then we went to a beautiful beach. It was sunny. So we had great fun playing in the water.

May 7, Thursday

It was rainy today. So we went to a museum. We saw many old things there. Then we went to the aquarium (水族馆) to see some sea animals. We saw many kinds of fish. They were very lovely. I hope I could come to Hainan again.

1.How did the writer go to Hangzhou?

A. By train.    B. By plane.     C. By taxi.    D. By bus.

2.The writer stayed in Hangzhou for         days.

A. two           B. three            C. four      D. five

3.They         on Tuesday.

A. visited a museum

B. saw some sea animals

C. had dinner in a restaurant

D. played in the water

4.It was         on May 7.

A. sunny       B. hot          C. rainy         D. windy

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The writer wanted to visit Hainan again.

B. The writer took a train to Hainan.

C. The people in Hainan were very friendly.

D. There were many kinds of fish in the aquarium.



完形填空  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was very      and nobody wanted to stay at home. Timmy decided to go swimming in the river. His brother, Bob, wanted to go with him.    him with you, Timmy,” said their father,“ and you must     him well.”

When they got to the river, they saw a lot of people    in it. Some people had great fun playing in the water. Timmy  told  Bob to play on the bank, and then he jumped into the water. About an hour later, Timmy swam back to the bank with a      in his hand. Bob was very    . He found a bottle and put the fish into it. Then they went home.

Bob didn’t do anything else that evening. He just watched the     in his own room. Suddenly Timmy heard Bob    in the room. He ran to him and asked, “What’s the matter with you, Bob?” “The fish is dead.” Bob said, “I thought it was     , so I took it out of the      and put it on the chair. I only wanted it to have a good rest.”

1.A. warm       B. hot       C. cool         D. cold

2.A. Carry      B. Find         C. Take            D. Catch

3.A. look after   B. find out       C. worry about        D. turn on

4.A. washing     B. running       C. resting           D. swimming

5.A. bird        B. dog          C. fishes            D. fish

6.A. happy       B. angry        C. sad          D. sorry

7.A. sky       B. computer     C. TV              D. fish

8.A. singing    B. crying       C. smiling       D. laughing

9.A. tired     B. sick         C. hungry          D. full

10.A. table     B. river     C. bottle            D. bag



______ students went to the show yesterday.

A. Hundreds of                    B. Two hundreds

C. Hundred of                     D. Two hundred of



If it          tomorrow, we      to climb mountains.

A. doesn’t rain; go               B. won’t rain; will go

C. won’t rain; go                 D. doesn’t rain; will go



Bob never does his homework ________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

A. so careful as                  B. as careful as

C. not as carefully as           D. as carefully as



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