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I'm Lucy. I'm 14 years old. I come to Ch...

I'm Lucy. I'm 14 years old. I come to China this year. Now I'm in Beijing International Middle School. I like animals(动物). I think they're my good friends. When I go to school this morning, I meet a man with a cage(笼子) . Five birds are in it .

How do you get these birds?” I ask .

I give them some food . When they come to eat it , I get them .” The man says .

They are too poor . Why do you get them ?” I ask the man .

It’s very interesting !” The man says .

I need to do something .” I think . I want to help the birds .

Can I buy them ?” I ask .

Well ,” he says , “Give me 50 yuan and your jacket .”

I don’t want to give my jacket to him because I like it very much . But for these birds I do it .

The man gives me the cage. Then I let the birds fly out (飞出) of the cage . I am happy to do that .

1. Lucy meets a man with a cage ______.

A. in the morning  B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening  D. after school

2.Why(为什么) does the man let the birds eat the food? ______

A. Because the birds want to eat it.

B. Because the man like the birds.

C. Because the birds are his friends

D. Because he wants to get the birds.

3.What does the underline word "poor" mean in Chinese? ________.

A.美丽的  B. 可怜的  C. 酷的   D. 好看的

4.How much are the birds? ________.

A.$50                    B. $50 and the price of a jacket.

C.¥50                    D. ¥50 and the price of a jacket.

5. Which is NOT true according to the passage.? ________.

A. Lucy is a student.             B. Lucy likes animals.

C. Lucy sells the birds.         D. Lucy helps the birds.


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:露西今年14岁,她来中国, 现在她在北京国际中学。她喜欢动物。她今天早上去上学的时候,遇到一个人带着鸟笼。最后,露西用50元钱和她的外套换来这个鸟笼,然后她让鸟儿飞出笼子里。她很高兴这样做。 1.露西在什么时候遇见一个带着笼子的人?联系原文:When I go to school this morning, I meet a man with a cage(笼子) . 句意:我今天早上去上学的时候,我遇到一个人带着鸟笼。明确时间为早上。故选A 2.为什么这个男子让这些鸟吃这些食物?联系原文:I give them some food . When they come to eat it , I get them .句意:我给它们一些食物。当它们来吃的时候,我就得到了它们。结合选项明确第四项正确。故选D 3.划线词在中文中的意思?联系原文:They are too poor 句意:它们太可怜了。结合语境,明确为可怜的之意。故选B 4.这些鸟价值多少钱?联系原文作者问这个人鸟要多少钱,这个人的答语:Give me 50 yuan and your jacket 句意:给我50元和你的外套。明确第四项正确。故选D 5.下列哪一项描述不正确?通过阅读短文,明确露西在上学的路上,看到了一个人用笼子装着鸟,最后救了它 们。结合选项第三项错误。故选C 考点:人物传记类短文阅读。

Mr and Mrs White live in the country(  乡村  ). Christmas Day ( 圣诞节 )is coming. They want to buy some clothes for their family in the city(城里). In the morning, Mr and Mrs White have breakfast. Then they go shopping in their car at 8:30. They get to a store at 9:40. In the store they see a lot of clothes. Mrs White likes the clothes very much. So she buys a T-shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr White. She buys a hat for herself(她自己), too. After that, Mr White is very tired(累)and hungry(饿). He looks at his watch. Then he says, “Oh, it’s 4:00 in the afternoon, that's too late. I think we must go home now.” So they begin to go home. But they lose their way. Mr White can’t find the way home. He sees an old man and asks him, “Excuse me, sir. Where am I?” The old man looks at him and the car, “You’re in your car, sir.” he says.

1.There are ______ people in Mr White’s family.

A. three          B. four         C. five          D. six

2.Mr White buys ______ for her daughter.

A. a hat          B. a T-shirt

C. a skirt       D. a sweater

3.Mr and Mrs White go home _______.

A. in the morning   B. in the afternoon

C. at noon           D. in the evening

4.“Lose their way” means________.

A. 按原路          B. 没有办法        C.  问路      D. 迷路

5.Does the old man help them?

A. Yes, he does.              B. I think so.

C. No, he doesn’t.          D. We don’t know.




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I like sports. I have ten tennis balls, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. I play tennis with my friends every day.

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I have five baseballs, five volleyballs, two soccer balls. I like ping-pong. It's easy for me. I often play ping-pong with my classmates. I also have three ping-pong bats and lots of ping-pong balls.

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I don't have any balls. I love sports, but I don't play them. I only watch them on TV.

1.Lucy and Mary have         volleyballs.

A. four          B. five         C. eight         D. nine

2.Lucy plays         every day.

A. ping-pong     B. tennis       C. baseball      D. soccer

3.Mary doesn't have        .

A. volleyballs     B. ping-pong balls

C. baseballs       D. basketballs

4.        has two soccer balls.

A. Mary         B. Lucy and Mary  C. Alice     D. Lucy

5. Alice        .

A. has no balls

B. doesn't like sports

C. thinks ping-pong is easy

D. plays sports with her classmates



Look at the photo. It’s my     . These two old people are my grandparents. They are at home and help us with the housework ( 家务活  ). They think their life is relaxing. But their      --- my father is very busy. He has many things to do every day. This    is my mother. She’s      math teacher, too.

You can see   5   kids in the photo. The two boys are my brothers --- Bob and Dave. Do you know the girl in the photo? It’s me. Do you have a photo      your family? If (   如果   ) you do, please bring ( 带来 )it to school. Let me      your parents, brothers and sisters. I’m new here and I think we can      good friends.

1.A. school    B. classroom     C. family          D. store

2.A. son        B. daughter     C. cousin           D. friend

3.A. man        B. woman         C. girl           D. boy

4.A. I        B. my             C. me           D. mine

5.A. 2        B. 3             C. 4               D. 5

6.A. for        B. with           C. on              D. of

7.A. look        B. read         C. know           D. say

8.A. be        B. do             C. play           D. Watch




My name is Paul and I am       . Now I’m in China        my parents. I want to learn Chinese well. I think it’s        but useful ( 有用的 ). My Chinese teacher always       me with it. And I can speak a little now. I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. I always have milk and bread for      , then I go to school.

I like sports very much. After school, I usually        with my friends. We often play soccer. For food, I like         and vegetables. I think they are healthy.

1.A. English     B. an English      C. a Chinese     D. an English girl

2.A. or         B. and          C. for         D. with

3.A. difficult    B. relaxing      C. interesting     D. easy

4.A. help   B. to help          C. helps        D. helping

5.A. dinner  B. lunch         C. breakfast    D. dessert(点心)

6.A. watch TV     B. play sports   C. eat food     D. play computer games

7.A. Basketball  B. milk         C. orange      D. rice





Jack is in Sunshine Middle  1. . He is in Class 2. His  2.  (classmate) are nice to Jack. They like to say "Good morning" in the morning   3.  school. And they often have fun in Miss Gao's class. Miss Gao is their English  4. .

This morning, Miss Gao   5. (ask) Jack about his homework(作业)in the classroom. "Is the homework yours, Jack?" Miss Gao asks. "Yes, it is  6.  . It's about the yellow 7. . It's a nice dog," Jack says. "Your homework is good,  8.  it's the same as your brother's." "Well, I  9. (not) copy(抄袭)John's homework, Miss Gao," Jack says." We have the same dog at home. It  10.  (have) the same color."



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