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选词填空根据所给的句子,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子。 1.Li Fang i...


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1.Li Fang is the name of a          .

2.We have many clothes             all colors.

3.Gina’s books are      , on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair.

4.My brother love sports. He            them on TV every day.

5.Look at the         on the table. Are they yours?


1.student 2.in 3.everywhere 4.watches 5.dictionaries 【解析】 试题分析: 1.李芳是一个学生的名字。明确填写学生student.故填:student 2.我们有各种各样颜色的衣服。考查固定短语in+颜色。故填:in 3.吉娜的书到处都是,在她的床上,在沙发上,并且椅子下面也有。明确到处都有书。故填:everywhere 4.我的兄弟爱运动。每天,他通过电视看它们。分析:看电视运用动词watch, 主语是单数第三人称,因此谓语动词用单数。故填:watches 5.看在桌子上的字典。它们是你的吗?通过下文代词they明确字典是复数形式。故填:dictionaries 考点:单词拼写。


We all want to be healthy. As1.(你) know, food is really important(重要的) . There is  2.(许多) nice food . You can have more bananas , apples , oranges , 3.(西红柿) and carrots . Fruits and vegetables 4.(是) good for you, 5.(也) . So we need to eat 6.(好) every day. It can make(使) you strong and happy . sports can also make you healthy . So don't 7.(总是) watch TV at home. Let's do sports every day. We can 8.(玩) ball games with our 9.(朋友). If we can't play, we can ask our teachers 10.(寻求) help. Do some sports and eat healthy food every day and we will be healthy and happy every day.



I'm Lucy. I'm 14 years old. I come to China this year. Now I'm in Beijing International Middle School. I like animals(动物). I think they're my good friends. When I go to school this morning, I meet a man with a cage(笼子) . Five birds are in it .

How do you get these birds?” I ask .

I give them some food . When they come to eat it , I get them .” The man says .

They are too poor . Why do you get them ?” I ask the man .

It’s very interesting !” The man says .

I need to do something .” I think . I want to help the birds .

Can I buy them ?” I ask .

Well ,” he says , “Give me 50 yuan and your jacket .”

I don’t want to give my jacket to him because I like it very much . But for these birds I do it .

The man gives me the cage. Then I let the birds fly out (飞出) of the cage . I am happy to do that .

1. Lucy meets a man with a cage ______.

A. in the morning  B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening  D. after school

2.Why(为什么) does the man let the birds eat the food? ______

A. Because the birds want to eat it.

B. Because the man like the birds.

C. Because the birds are his friends

D. Because he wants to get the birds.

3.What does the underline word "poor" mean in Chinese? ________.

A.美丽的  B. 可怜的  C. 酷的   D. 好看的

4.How much are the birds? ________.

A.$50                    B. $50 and the price of a jacket.

C.¥50                    D. ¥50 and the price of a jacket.

5. Which is NOT true according to the passage.? ________.

A. Lucy is a student.             B. Lucy likes animals.

C. Lucy sells the birds.         D. Lucy helps the birds.



Mr and Mrs White live in the country(  乡村  ). Christmas Day ( 圣诞节 )is coming. They want to buy some clothes for their family in the city(城里). In the morning, Mr and Mrs White have breakfast. Then they go shopping in their car at 8:30. They get to a store at 9:40. In the store they see a lot of clothes. Mrs White likes the clothes very much. So she buys a T-shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr White. She buys a hat for herself(她自己), too. After that, Mr White is very tired(累)and hungry(饿). He looks at his watch. Then he says, “Oh, it’s 4:00 in the afternoon, that's too late. I think we must go home now.” So they begin to go home. But they lose their way. Mr White can’t find the way home. He sees an old man and asks him, “Excuse me, sir. Where am I?” The old man looks at him and the car, “You’re in your car, sir.” he says.

1.There are ______ people in Mr White’s family.

A. three          B. four         C. five          D. six

2.Mr White buys ______ for her daughter.

A. a hat          B. a T-shirt

C. a skirt       D. a sweater

3.Mr and Mrs White go home _______.

A. in the morning   B. in the afternoon

C. at noon           D. in the evening

4.“Lose their way” means________.

A. 按原路          B. 没有办法        C.  问路      D. 迷路

5.Does the old man help them?

A. Yes, he does.              B. I think so.

C. No, he doesn’t.          D. We don’t know.




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I like sports. I have ten tennis balls, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. I play tennis with my friends every day.

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I have five baseballs, five volleyballs, two soccer balls. I like ping-pong. It's easy for me. I often play ping-pong with my classmates. I also have three ping-pong bats and lots of ping-pong balls.

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I don't have any balls. I love sports, but I don't play them. I only watch them on TV.

1.Lucy and Mary have         volleyballs.

A. four          B. five         C. eight         D. nine

2.Lucy plays         every day.

A. ping-pong     B. tennis       C. baseball      D. soccer

3.Mary doesn't have        .

A. volleyballs     B. ping-pong balls

C. baseballs       D. basketballs

4.        has two soccer balls.

A. Mary         B. Lucy and Mary  C. Alice     D. Lucy

5. Alice        .

A. has no balls

B. doesn't like sports

C. thinks ping-pong is easy

D. plays sports with her classmates



Look at the photo. It’s my     . These two old people are my grandparents. They are at home and help us with the housework ( 家务活  ). They think their life is relaxing. But their      --- my father is very busy. He has many things to do every day. This    is my mother. She’s      math teacher, too.

You can see   5   kids in the photo. The two boys are my brothers --- Bob and Dave. Do you know the girl in the photo? It’s me. Do you have a photo      your family? If (   如果   ) you do, please bring ( 带来 )it to school. Let me      your parents, brothers and sisters. I’m new here and I think we can      good friends.

1.A. school    B. classroom     C. family          D. store

2.A. son        B. daughter     C. cousin           D. friend

3.A. man        B. woman         C. girl           D. boy

4.A. I        B. my             C. me           D. mine

5.A. 2        B. 3             C. 4               D. 5

6.A. for        B. with           C. on              D. of

7.A. look        B. read         C. know           D. say

8.A. be        B. do             C. play           D. Watch



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