满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-- Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith? -- S...

-- Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith?

-- Sorry, he isn't in. He ______the office.

A. has been to

B. has gone to

C. has been away


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你好,我可以和史密斯先生通话吗?——对不起,他不在。他去办公室啦。A. has been to 去过,但现在又回来啦; B. has gone to 已经去某地,还没回来;C. has been away已经离开啦。根据语意故选B。 考点:考查动词短语和时态。  

Mike will go abroad tomorrow. I am going to _____ at the airport.

A. sent him off

B. see him off

C. saw him off



There is no living thing on _______ moon.

A. the                      B. a                   C. 不填




假如你是Lisa,到学校后发现你的英语书,钢笔以及一串钥匙忘在了家里。 你需要写张便条给妹妹Amy,让她帮你带到学校来(英语书是蓝色的,在书桌上; 钢笔是黑色的,在抽屉里; 钥匙可能在梳妆台上)。要求字数不少于40词。










speak, wear, eat, with, is , run, work, are, have, talk, play, like

Mr. White is from the USA. He 1.____ our English teacher. His classes are very funny. We all 2.____ him.

There 3.______ four people in Mr. White’s family: Mr. White , his wife and his two sons---Tom and Jim.

Mrs. White can4.______Chinese well, and she 5.______ in a hospital( 医院). Tom and Jim are in our class. They are twins(双胞胎), but they are different. Tom is tall and he likes 6.______ blue T- shirts. Jim is short and he often wears black shirts. However(然而), they both 7._____ soccer well. After school, we often 8.______a soccer game. Sometimes, Mr. White plays 9._____  us. But he can’t10.______ fast because he is too heavy. He plays soccer just for fun.





Waiter: Can I help you?

Clark: Yes, 1._______

Waiter: Would you like salad? 2.________

Clark: OK! A vegetable salad, too.

Waiter: What fruit do you want, oranges or bananas?

Clark: 3._______ I like strawberries.

Waiter: Let me see. 4._______

Clark: And I like a chocolate ice cream as my dessert.

Waiter: Anything else?

Clark: No, that’s all.

Waiter: OK. 5._______

A. I’ll bring them soon.

B. I don't like bananas or oranges.

C. Sorry, we don't.

D. Yes, we have strawberries.

E. Our vegetable salad is very good.

F. Welcome to our shop.

G. I would like some chicken.



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