满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Dear Andy, How are you and your family? ...

Dear Andy,

How are you and your family? I hope everything is OK.

I am very happy to read your e-mails. I want to go to Nanjing. I know something about Nanjing from your e-mails. Your English is very good. But I don’t know much Chinese. Now I’m learning it from a Chinese teacher in our school. He is from Shanghai. And he knows Nanjing very well. He tells me many things about Nanjing and China.

I’m happy to know that you love your new school and your family. I’ll tell you something about my family and school. My grandparents and my parents are fine. They want to go to China. My brother, Dick, is eighteen. My father has a brother. He is my uncle, John. He and my aunt have three children. They’re Bill, Mary and Lily. I like my family very much. My family will go to China next month. We are going to Nanjing! Let’s meet in Nanjing. Remember me to your parents. (代我向你父母问好。)

Love from



1.This is an e-mail from Linda to Andy.

2.Linda’s father has a sister.

3.Dick is eighteen years old.

4.Andy’s family will come to China.

5.A teacher from Nanjing teaches Linda Chinese.


1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文是Linda写给Andy的一封电子邮件,在这里面Linda介绍了她的家人和她学校的情况。她现在也在学汉语,她和她的家人很快就要来中国了,到时候他们就可以在南京见面了。 1.根据这封电子邮件的开头Dear Andy和结尾Love from Linda可知,这封电子邮件是Linda写给Andy的,故这个句子说的是正确的。 2.根据短文的第三段中My father has a brother. He is my uncle, John.可知,Linda的父亲有一个弟弟,是她的叔叔叫John。短文中并没有说她的父亲有姐妹,故这个句子是错误的。 3.根据短文第三段中My brother, Dick, is eighteen.可知,Linda有一个哥哥叫Dick,他18岁了。由此可知这句话是正确的。 4.根据短文的结尾Love from Linda可知,这封电子邮件是Linda写的,并且在短文中Linda告诉我们My family will go to China next month.,所以要来中国的是Linda 的家人,故这句话是错误的。 5.根据短文第二段中But I don’t know much Chinese. Now I’m learning it from a Chinese teacher in our school. He is from Shanghai.可知,Linda现在在学习汉语,她的汉语老师来自上海,而不是南京,故这句话是错误的。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。






1.A. cake   B. game    C. glad      D. grade

2.A. so     B. those   C. worry     D. home

3.A.music  B. use     C. but       D. computer

4.A.fine    B. nice    C. kite      D. slim

5.A. these   B. she     C. let       D. be



词汇运用 (10’)

1.My sister is only four years old and looks very ____________(可爱的).

2.We are all ______________( 成员) of the school basketball team.

3.In my _____________(空闲的) time , I listen to music.

4.Li Hua is my favorite football  ______________( 运动员)..

5.Lucy and I are ____________________(同班同学),

6.His eyes are not very good, So he often wears _________ (glass).

7.Everyone ___________ (be) in the playground now.

8.My cousin Betty is good at _____________ (swim).

9.____________ (read) is my favorite hobby.

10.Andy ___________ (have) a new watch.



完型填空 (10’)

Hello, my friends. My name is Judy. I was born in 2005. I am English. _____ I live in China with my family. There are _____people in my family.

My hair is yellow. My _____ are blue like the sea. I like going ______very much. Green grass, blue sky…Everything is so_____. I like flowers very much. I like their beautiful_____, red, yellow, white and blue. I like swimming very much. River, sea, pool…Very cool.

My father is Alfred. He works_____ a football club. My mother is an English teacher in my school. I _____ a brother. His name is Simon. He _____at Sunshine Middle School. He is in Grade 8. He is good at all his lessons. He also does well in _____. He can play basketball and football well.

1.A.and      B. so       C. or        D. but

2.A. three     B. four      C. five      D. six

3.A. eyes     B .nose     C.ears      D. mouth

4.A. up       B. down    C.over      D. out

5.A. sad      B. bad      C. nice      D .well

6.A. colours   B. flowers  C. clothes    D. classes

7.A. of       B. on       C. with      D. in

8.A. do       B.  does    C. have     D.  has

9.A. learns    B. teaches   C. studies    D. helps

10.A. sports   B. music    C .reading   D. cooking



–Nice to meet you, Linda.  --           .

A .I’m OK.      B. Nice to meet you, too.

C. Hello       D. Goodbye



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