满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

任务型阅读(10分) Dear Jenny, I am very busy on...


Dear Jenny,

I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mrs Wang, is great fun. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!

How about you? When are your classes? What is your favorite subject?

Your friend,

Yu Mei.

1.When does Yu Mei have lunch?


2.Who is her Chinese teacher?  _______________________________________________________________

3.Is the art lesson relaxing? _______________________________________________________________

4.What is the Yu Mei’s favorite subject? _______________________________________________________________

5.Is Jenny very busy on Friday? _______________________________________________________________


1.She has lunch from 12:00 to 1:00. 2.Her Chinese teacher is Mrs. Wang. 3.Yes, it is. 4.It’s Chinese. 5.No, she isn’t. 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文是于梅写给Jenny的信,在信中她介绍了她忙碌的周五,她在这一天要上很多课,她最喜欢的课是语文,她也觉得美术课很令人放松。 1.根据短文中Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00可知,于梅的午饭时间是从12点到1点。故答案是She has lunch from 12:00 to 1:00. 2.根据短文中Our Chinese teacher, Mrs Wang, is great fun可知,于梅他们的语文老师是王老师,她非常有趣。 3.根据短文中after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!可知,于梅觉得美术课是非常令人放松的,因此本题答案是肯定的。 4.根据短文中after that we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject.可知,午饭后于梅上语文课,这是她最喜欢的课。 5.这篇短文是于梅写给Jenny的信,在信的开头I am very busy on Friday.可知,于梅的星期五非常的忙碌,但是Jenny的周五并不忙碌,故本题答案是否定的。 考点:任务型阅读。


1.They play tennis from 4:00 to 6:00.               (对划线部分提问)


2.He wants to meet his friends on Friday afternoon.    (对划线部分提问)


3.do , in , often , the , class , what , P.E. , sports , you , play, (?)  (连词成句) ______________________________________________________________

4.I am very busy on Friday.                             (改为否定句)


5.He likes science because he thinks it’s interesting.    (对划线部分提问)



Mr and Mrs Scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. They come into a store and see some very good chairs on the floor.They like the color and want to know how much they are. They see a price tag (标签) on one chair. It says (上面写着)“$50”. They like the chair, but it is too expensive (昂贵的) for them. So they leave the store and go to other stores. Mr Scott thinks they can buy some good and cheap (便宜的)ones.


1.Mr and Mrs Scott have a new house.

2.They want to buy tables and chairs for their house.

3.They think the chair in this store is cheap.

4.They leave the store and go home.

5.They want to buy cheap and good chairs.



Hello! My name is David . I like Chinese food. I have breakfast at home . I eat eggs and bread for breakfast . I don’t like milk , but I like apples . I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.The lunch in our school is very good . I eat rice and vegetables for lunch , but sometimes (有时) I have chicken and hamburgers. I have dinner at home with my parents . We have noodles ,vegetables and fruit . Our dinner is always from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

1.Does David like Chinese food?

A. No, he doesn’t.

B.Yes, he likes.

C.Yes, he does.

2.For breakfast, he has ______ .

A. an egg , an apple and porridge

B. an egg , bread and an apple

C. an apple, bread and milk

3.He has lunch ______ .

A. at school

B. at home

C.with his parents

4.He has ______ for lunch.

A. rice and vegetables

B. chicken and hamburgers

C. A and B

5.When is their dinner?

A. From 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

B. From 18:00 to 19:30

C. From 18:30 to 20:00



完形填空  (10分)

Hi! I’m Wang Mei. It’s my Chinese name. I’m an ______ girl. My birthday is _____January. I’m thirteen years old. I have a brother, Wang Wei. Of course, Wang Wei is _____ his Chinese name. Our favorite_____ at school is Chinese history, _____ we think it’s very interesting. In our school, we often help other (其他的) students _____ their English. So they like us very much.

Oh, we have some interesting things to do this week. On Monday, we have a soccer game. Many teachers and students want _____ it. ____ Wednesday evening, we have an English party. And on Friday, we have a great book sale in the school library. You can buy the books _____ good prices. This is a _____ busy week. See you!

1.A. Chinese       B. American       C. England(英国)

2.A. at            B. in              C. on

3.A. too           B. also            C. very

4.A. lessons        B. classes         C. subject

5.A. but           B. because         C. or

6.A. with          B. for             C. in

7.A. see           B. to watch        C. to look at

8.A. in            B. at             C. on

9.A. on           B. for             C. at

10.A. real         B. really           C. so



—What about ______ Tom a football for his birthday party?

—Good idea! He plays football very _______.

A. buying ; well

B. to buy ; well

C. buy ; good



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