满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The continuous hazy(雾霾) weather in China...

The continuous hazy(雾霾) weather in China has been affecting many people lately. We shouldn’t _____ in order to stay away from its harm.

①open the window to let outdoor mist(雾气) get into the room

②wash our hands after coming back home from work or school

③do morning exercises outside as often as possible

④get out of houses without wearing masks (口罩)

⑤pay more attention to eating healthily

A.①③④              B.①④⑤                C.②③⑤


A 【解析】 试题分析:1.不应该开窗户让雾气进到屋里2.雾霾天尽可能不要在外面做早操3.不戴口罩就出门。为了远离它的危害,可知答案是A 考点:考查生活常识。  

Do you think ______ amazing for Stephen Hawking to achieve so much as a disabled man?

A. this                       B. that                        C. it



--- Did you listen to the weather report just now? Could you tell me _______?

---Yes, I did. I think we can because it will be fine. Relaxing can make us have a clear mind to go back to studying.

A. when we will have the PE class

B. what can we do tomorrow

C. if we can have the PE class tomorrow



--- Compared with that film, this one is ______ but not _______.

---I see, and I will see that one this evening.

A.longer, as good     B.long, good

C.longest, best       D.long, so good



Life is always full of challenges. It seems that _____ one problem is solved, a new one will appear. It’s a good choice to face and overcome them bravely.

A. when                  B. because             C. until



Try to do these things in your daily life to make the world better. Use cloth shopping bags, not plastic _____. After ______ a plastic bag, wash it out and let it dry. Then you can use it over and over again.

A. one, uses           B. ones, using           C. ones, use



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