满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项...



Many people say that books made of paper are out of fashion. Is that true?

What would you choose if you were sitting in front of a TV and there was a book right next to you? The answer will most     be the TV! Young people would certainly choose the TV,but  you will be      to find out that the older ones will at least hesitate(犹豫)about choosing it.Why is this ?  Is it because the world has changed so much in recent years that our   Are not     the same any more?

Nowadays many people have no interest in     .This may be a possible explanation·

Anotherre reason might be the change of lifestyle.We are most likely to visit a club or a bar to  relax  after a long day’s work      reading a book in Our own homes.All the stress of work makeus  want a     relaxing way.Perhaps,most of us do not have the patience to read any more.It is much       to turn on the TV and watch the latest news around the world than to read the  19thcentury works!

With a11 the TV programmes,    can find an interesting show or a moive to watch.

Whats better than getting into bed with the remote control and     whenever you wish? You are the master of all the TV programmes.The only disadvantage is that TV will never     you with a11 the facts as a book does,even though it does get you relaxed in just a moment

1.A.probably    B.properly     C.perfectly       D.particularly

2.A.happy      B.impatient     C.surprised      D.brave

3.A.diets       B.duties        C.courses       D.habits

4.A.scholarship  B.1iterature     C.value        D.truth

5.A.instead of   B.because of    C.prefer to      D.would rather

6.A.slow       B.traditional    C.quick        D.single

7.A.harder      B.safer        C.simpler        D.funnier

8.A.someone    B.no one      C.everyone     D.none

9.A.falling asleep B.waking up   C.getting up    D.going out

10.A.provide    B.prevent      C.promise      D..prepare


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了现在人们更多的选择电视放松而不再看书。原因可能是人们希望快速的放松,没有耐心读书。 1.副词及语境的理解。A.probably 可能地;B.properly合适地;C.perfectly 完美地; D.particularly特殊地。根据上下文可知句意是答案最有可能是电视。故选A。 2.A.happy高兴的; B.impatient没有耐心的;C.surprised 吃惊的;D.brave勇敢的。根据上句年轻人当然会选择电视,可知后文是但是你可能会吃惊的发现年老的人至少在选择时会犹豫。故选C。 3.名词及语境的理解。A.diets 饮食;B.duties 责任;C.courses课程;D.habits习惯。因为近几年里这个世界变化了那么多,以至于我们习惯不再和一起一样。故选D。 4.名词及语境的理解。A.scholarship奖学金;B.1iterature文学;C.value 价值;D.truth真相。根据上文看书和看电视的比较,可知现在许多人不再对文学感兴趣。故选B。 5.介词及语境的理解。A.instead of 代替; B.because of 因为; C.prefer to 更喜欢; D.would rather宁愿。我们更愿意在一天的工作后去俱乐部或酒吧放松而不是在自己的家里读书。instead of介词短语后加名词或动名词,根据空后是动名词,故选A。 6.形容词及语境的理解。A.slow 慢的;B.traditional 传统的;C.quick 快的;D.single单身的。一周的压力使我们想要一种快速的放松方式。根据后文他们没有耐心读书可知是快速的方式,故选C。 7.形容词及语境的理解。A.harder 更困难; B.safer 更安全;C.simpler更简单;D.funnier更滑稽。打开电视看世界上的最新的新闻比读十九世纪的作品更简单。结合句意,故选C。 8.代词及语境的理解。A.someone 某人,有人; B.no one 没有人;C.everyone 每个人;D.none没有人。在所有的电视节目中,每一个人都能找到一个有趣的节目或电影观看。故选C。 9.A.falling asleep 入睡;B.waking up醒来; C.getting up 起床;D.going out出去。比起拿着遥控器上床,什么时候想睡就睡,什么更好?结合句意,故选A。 10.动词及语境的理解。A.provide提供;B.prevent 阻止;C.promise 承诺;D.prepare准备。唯一的缺点是电视不会提供给你所有书上的事实,即使他使你那个时间放松。Provide sb with sth,提供给某人某物。故选A。 考点:社会现状类短文。

        number of volunteers took part in the event,and the number of them increasing now.

A.The;are    B.A;is

C.The;is     D.A:are



一How about your interview on Sunday?            !I fai1ed.

A.Sorry             B.Cheer up

C.Don’t mention it  D.No problem



What a pity!The concert we are looking forward to        yesterday.

A.cancelling          B.was cancelled

C.being cancelled     D.cancelled



You can’t practice the guitar in the hall        you have the principal’s note.

A.if             B.as       C.unless          D.since



—What do you think about the        of the running stream?

一I think it         like a piece of beautiful music.

A.sound;sounds  B.sound;hears

C.voice;sounds   D.voice;hears



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