满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I’m Lisa from London,England,and I’m a v...

I’m Lisa from London,England,and I’m a vegetarian.That’s someone who don’t eat meat.Why am I a vegetarian? Well,I love animals,so I don’t want to eat them.We can stay healthy if we eat onlv fruit and vegetables.

A lot of  people are vegetarians in England.There are a few shops and restaurantints that sell food  Just for us.For example,there’s a store near my house that makes lots of dishes with cheese and tofu. The tofu is great but I can’t eat the cheese.It has too much fat.

It’s easy to be a vegetarian when I’m at home.1 cook lots of interesting dishes from grains and vegetables.I can make many different kinds of food,and I often cook meals for myfamily  they aren’t vegetarians,but they don’t mind vegetarian food

In some restaurants it is difficult to get vegetarian food.Last Sunday, I went to Steve’s Steakhouse with my friends.They all wanted to eat roast beef. I looked for vegetarian food,but

every dish had meat in it.I asked the waiter;“Can you give me something with no meat?”He asked,“Would you like some fish?”“No,thanks,”1 said.“I only want vegetables—no meat,and no fish.”“But this is a steakhouse.”said the waiter.“People come here because they want to eat meat!”

So we didn’t eat in Steve’s Steakhouse.We went to an Italian restaurant.My friends had meat pizzas(yuck!),and Ihad a big salad.

1.Lisa doesn’t 1ike the dishes with cheese because      

A.there is some meat in them

B.there is too much tofu in them

C.there is lotts o f  f at in them

D.they are from Steve’s Steakhouse

2..What kind of dish can’t you taste in Steve’s Steakhouse?

A.Roast beef.

B.Dishes with fish.

C.Dishes with chicken.

D.Dishes without meat.

3.Which Of the  fo1lowing is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Lisa’s family 1ike dishes with no meat because they are animallovers.

B.There are few shops that sell food just for vegetarians in England.

C.Lisa’s friends didn’t have dishes in Steve Steakhouse because there was no meat.

D.It is easy for Lisa to cook different kinds of dishes with no meat.


1.C 2.D 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了里萨是个素食主义者。在伦敦有许多的素食主义者,也有一些素食店。在家里当一个素食主义者是比较容易的,但是在一些饭店是难以做到的。 1. can’t eat the cheese.It has too much fat.故选C。 2. this is a steakhouse.”said the waiter.“People come here because they want to eat meat!可知这个店只有含有肉的食物,故选D 3. easy to be a vegetarian when I’m at home.1 cook lots of interesting dishes from grains and vegetables.故选D 考点:人物介绍类短文阅读。



Many people say that books made of paper are out of fashion. Is that true?

What would you choose if you were sitting in front of a TV and there was a book right next to you? The answer will most     be the TV! Young people would certainly choose the TV,but  you will be      to find out that the older ones will at least hesitate(犹豫)about choosing it.Why is this ?  Is it because the world has changed so much in recent years that our   Are not     the same any more?

Nowadays many people have no interest in     .This may be a possible explanation·

Anotherre reason might be the change of lifestyle.We are most likely to visit a club or a bar to  relax  after a long day’s work      reading a book in Our own homes.All the stress of work makeus  want a     relaxing way.Perhaps,most of us do not have the patience to read any more.It is much       to turn on the TV and watch the latest news around the world than to read the  19thcentury works!

With a11 the TV programmes,    can find an interesting show or a moive to watch.

Whats better than getting into bed with the remote control and     whenever you wish? You are the master of all the TV programmes.The only disadvantage is that TV will never     you with a11 the facts as a book does,even though it does get you relaxed in just a moment

1.A.probably    B.properly     C.perfectly       D.particularly

2.A.happy      B.impatient     C.surprised      D.brave

3.A.diets       B.duties        C.courses       D.habits

4.A.scholarship  B.1iterature     C.value        D.truth

5.A.instead of   B.because of    C.prefer to      D.would rather

6.A.slow       B.traditional    C.quick        D.single

7.A.harder      B.safer        C.simpler        D.funnier

8.A.someone    B.no one      C.everyone     D.none

9.A.falling asleep B.waking up   C.getting up    D.going out

10.A.provide    B.prevent      C.promise      D..prepare



        number of volunteers took part in the event,and the number of them increasing now.

A.The;are    B.A;is

C.The;is     D.A:are



一How about your interview on Sunday?            !I fai1ed.

A.Sorry             B.Cheer up

C.Don’t mention it  D.No problem



What a pity!The concert we are looking forward to        yesterday.

A.cancelling          B.was cancelled

C.being cancelled     D.cancelled



You can’t practice the guitar in the hall        you have the principal’s note.

A.if             B.as       C.unless          D.since



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