满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

There is a small river near Peter's hous...

There is a small river near Peter's house in a village. He loves     in it very much, especially in     summer days. But then his father goes to     in a big city and Peter has to go there with his family. Their new house has a garden,     the garden is very small. Peter is not very     .

“Is there a river near      house?” he asks his father one morning. “No, there isn't. But there is a big      near here. And there's a pool in it. We are going to the park this afternoon,” says his father. Peter is happy.

Peter and his father go to the park in the      . Peter wants to walk near the pool. But he sees a sign. His father reads it to him "Warning (警告): This pool is        . And 365 people fell into it." Peter     into the pool carefully, and then he says, “I can't see them.”

1.A. reading  B. sleeping   C. swimming     D. singing

2.A. cold      B. hot        C. warm         D. cool

3.A. work      B. eat        C. make         D. think

4.A. so        B. but        C. or           D. because

5.A. busy    B. free       C. sad          D. happy

6.A. your    B. his        C. their        D. our

7.A. school    B. park       C. hospital      D. station

8.A. morning   B. evening    C. noon         D. afternoon

9.A. dangerous  B. big      C. beautiful    D. useful

10.A. jumps     B. takes     C. looks       D. listens


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 【解析】 1.考查语境理解及考查动名词。句意在村子里,皮特家的附近有一条小河,他很喜欢在里面游泳。 A. reading “ 读书”; B. sleeping “睡觉 ”;C. swimming“游泳 ”;D. singing “ 唱歌”;根据题意 C正确。 2.考查语境理解及考查形容词。句意:尤其是在炎热的夏日。 A. cold “ 寒冷的”;B. hot “炎热的 ”;C. warm “ 温暖的”;D. cool “ 凉爽的”;根据题意 B正确。 3.考查语境理解及考查动词。句意:但是后来他爸爸要到大城市去工作,皮特不得不跟着全家去那里。 A. work “ 工作”;B. eat“ 吃”; C. make “制造 ”;D. think “思考 ”;根据题意A 正确。 4.考查语境理解及考查连词。句意:新房子虽然有个花园,但是花园却很小。A. so “所以 ”; B. but “但是 ”; C.or “ 或者”;D. because “因为 ”;根据题意 B正确。 5.考查语境理解及考查形容词。句意:皮特不快乐。 A. busy“ 繁忙的”; B. free “ 有空的”; C. sad“悲伤的 ”;D. happy “幸福的”;后文:Peter is happy.可以推知,前后对比。根据题意 D正确。 6.考查语境理解及考查代词。句意:我们的房子附近有河吗? A. your “ 你的”;B. his“他的 ”;C. their“他们的 ”;D. our“我们的”;根据题意D 正确。 7.考查语境理解及考查名词 。句意:不,没有河。但是这儿附近有一个大公园。A. school“ 学校”;B. park “ 公园”; C. hospital “医院 ”;D. station “ 车站”;根据题意 B正确。 8.考查语境理解及考查名词。句意:皮特好父亲下午去了公园。A. morning “早上 ”; B. evening “ 傍晚”;C. noon “中午 ”;D. afternoon “ 下午”;前文:And there's a pool in it. We are going to the park this afternoon,” says his father.根据题意 D正确。 9.考查语境理解及考查 形容词。句意:他看见一个牌子,爸爸念给他听:警告:这个池子很危险,有365个人掉进去过。 A. dangerous “危险的 ”; B. big “大的 ”;C. beautiful “美丽的 ”;D. u seful “有用的 ”;根据题意 A正确。 10.考查语境理解及考查动词 。 句意:皮特小心翼翼的往池子里看 ,说“我没看见”。 A. jumps “跳”; B. takes “ 带走”;C. looks“ 看”;D. listens“听”;根据题意 C正确。

.Please help me put the milk into the bottle on the table.

A. pour the milk into

B. take the milk away

C. give the milk out



There is a shop close to my house.

A. in front of

B. on the left of

C. near



I live near my school, so I go to school on foot every day.

A. go to school by bus

B. run to school

C. walk to school



Linda, Tom and I take part in the school sports meeting.

A. go to      B. study in     C. join in



I hope to hear from you soon.

A. hear of you

B. receive your letter

C. hear you



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