满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Modern people realize the importance of ...

Modern people realize the importance of exercise. It’s important for young men to keep a good habit of exercising. Look at the following table(表格), it shows some exercise information in a week about some of my classmates. “√”means“exercise”.


Zhang Jian


Xiao Pang

Li Lei



























1.On _______ very few students do sports.

A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday  D. Sunday

2._______ of them exercise on Saturday.

A. Two  B. Three C. four  D. Five

3.Steve _______ does exercise.

A. never  B. seldom C. usually  D. always

4._______ does exercise most often.

A. Zhang Jian B. Xiao Pang C. Li Lei D. Jack

5._______do(does) exercise three times a week.

A. Zhang Jian B. Xiao Pang C. Jack D. B and C


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这是一个表格题,讲述了锻炼的重要性。对于一个年轻人来说养成锻炼的习惯是重要的。 1. Monday 星期一;B. Wednesday 星期三;C. Friday星期五;D. Sunday星期日。在一周七天前用介词on。周三锻炼人数最少。故选B。 2. 3. 4.】细节理解题。题意:李雷锻炼最经常。从图表可知,李雷每天都锻炼。故选C。 5. 考点:图表类短文阅读


Keeping good habits is very important for everyone.

Some students often go to school     breakfast. It’s a bad habit. As we know, until breakfast time you don’t eat     for about twelve hours. Your body needs food. You need to  a good breakfast. It can give you energy for the whole    . You may have rice, bread, an egg and a glass of milk. And you    get up early to have breakfast. So going to bed     and getting up early is also a good habit. It will keep you     during the day. Doing exercises and    after supper can also help you keep healthy.

What’s more, drinking enough    is good, especially(尤其)in dry weather. There are     more healthy habits. Do you know them?

1.A. from        B. about           C. without

2.A. something   B. anything    C. everything

3.A. have     B. has     C. had

4.A. evening    B. afternoon    C. morning

5.A. need     B. need to    C. don’t need to

6.A. late     B. early     C. hardly

7.A. active    B. lazy     C. dirty

8.A. walking    B. drinking    C. smoking

9.A. coke     B. coffee     C. water

10.A. any     B. some     C. much




A: Hi, Bill. Where are you going to spend your winter holiday this year?

B:     1.

A: How are you going to get there?

B: We are going to get there by plane.

A:     2.

B: Next Monday.

A:     3.

B: Thanks. What about you?

A: You know I’m from the countryside.     4.      I miss them very much.

B:     5.      I think you will have a good time in your hometown.

A. Thats wonderful.

B. When are you going to start?

C. Id like to go back to see my parents.

D. Im sure youll enjoy yourselves in Harbin.

E. Im going to travel to Harbin with my family.







1.What’s wrong with him?                   A. Good idea.

2.Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?         B. He has a bad cold.

3.What are you going to be when you grow up?  C. It’s hard to say.

4.Why not go shopping with us?                D. I’m going to be a pilot.

5.What kind of music do you like?             E. I like dogs better.



-Thirty-six people died in the accident in Shanghai on December 31st.

-_______. We should keep away from crowded places.

A. I’m afraid not

B. It’s impossible

C. I’m sorry to hear  that



-There are some new words in the story, I can’t understand.

-You can look up them in a ________.

A. dictionary   B. radio    C. camera



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