满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Is this ____ car? —Yes, it’s ____ Engli...

—Is this ____ car?

—Yes, its ____ English car.

A. a; an   B. a; a    C. an; an


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--这是一辆车吗?—是的,它是一辆英国的车。Car是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词a; English是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词an;故选A。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  


下周你们班将召开一次题为“互联网的利弊”的主题班会。一些同学认为互联网好处多;一些同学认为互联网不好。请以The Internet 为题,写一篇短文,谈谈互联网的利弊以及我们应该怎样正确对待它。(80字左右)

提示词:shopping, information, music, watch TV, however, hurt, money, spend, carefully

The Internet

The Internet makes our lives more interesting. _______________________________










1.He, good at

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2.what, cute, !

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3.used to, enjoy, TV

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4.please, give, me

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5.Ann, tall, than, Bruce

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music,  cool,  not only,  healthy,  can,  over,  give up,  should,  for,  cause

Some people think that smoking can help them relax. Some students think it’s   1.to smoke. In fact, smoking is really   2.. Do you know that there are 3. 4000 chemicals in cigarettes? These chemicals are bad   4. our bodies. They may   5. cancer and other diseases.

The smoke from cigarettes harms 6. smokers but also other people. It is called “second-hand smoke” and it   7. be more dangerous and has higher risks. Smokers   8. use smoking to help themselves relax. They must   9. smoking as soon as possible. Doing some sports and listening to   10.can also make them feel relax. So, let’s say no to smoking!



We live in different places. For example, some people live in the mountains; some people live on plains; some people live near water.

Mary lives near the sea. The sea is blue. She likes to play on the beach with her friends.

Tom lives by a lake. The lake is very big. The water is clear. He often goes boating with his family on fine days. Sometimes he goes fishing with his father on Sundays.

Jack lives in the mountains. The mountains are very high. In the summer, it’s very cool there. In the winter, the mountains are all white. Jack likes to play in the snow with his sister.

Jim lives on a plain (平原). He likes flying kites when the weather is fine.

Tony lives in the desert (沙漠). It is very hot and dry. It doesn’t get much rain. Tony likes to ride his camel all around.

David lives in a forest. The forest has many trees. It rains a lot there. David likes to climb the trees and play in his tree house.


任务一 根据短文内容完成表格。


Place to live

Things to do



play on the beach with her friends


in the mountains

play in the snow with his sister


on a plain

2.________________when it is fine


in the desert

3._______________ all around



climb the trees and play in the tree house

任务二 假如你住在海边,你最喜欢做什么呢?请用英文写出一条你最喜欢做的事情。




Fires are very dangerous.    1. . Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in a fire.

If you are indoors, you need to get outside quickly and safely. First, you must turn off the gas and the electricity in the room.   2.   . You should cover your mouth with a wet towel(毛巾) or something wet, because there must be thick smoke with the fire.   3.  .

And you should try to keep your body down to the floor. If you feel the door hot, don’t open it,     4.   .

If you can’t run away from the fire at once, just stay in a safe place, waiting for someone to help you. Remember: never jump out off the house.     5.  . You should wave your hands out of the window for help.


A. Then find a way to go as quickly as you can.

B. Sometimes, the smoke may be harmful (有害的).

C. Maybe jumping off is much dangerous than the fire itself.

D. Every year, many people hurt or die in fires.

E. because that means the fire is burning outside.



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