满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_____________late for school again, Tim!...

_____________late for school again, Tim!---Sorry, I_____________.

A. Don’t; won’t       B. Don’t be; won’t

C. Don’t be; don’t    D. Don’t; will


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-Tim,不要再上学迟到了!-对不起,我不会了。be late for迟到,是固定短语;根据句意可知,第一个空是祈使句的否定形式,A和D中缺少be动词,故先排除;第二个空的意思是以后不会了,应该用将来时,故选B。 考点:考查祈使句和动词时态。  

      animals are in danger and there will be        space for them if we don’t take any actions.

A. More and more, more and more

B. Less and less, less and less

C. More and more, less and less

D. Less and less, more and more



Have you seen my cake? Yes, I _________________it .

A. eat      B. have just ate

C. was eating   D. have just eaten



Is she ________ in Geography? No, she isn’t. She shows no _______ in this subject.

A. interesting; interested  B. interested; interested

C. interested;  interest    D. interest; interesting



I don’t know if it _________ tomorrow. We won’t go shopping if it ____________.

A. will rain; rains      B. rains; will rain

C. will rain; will rain  D. rains; rains



Now lots of teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games.

Yes. Teachers and their parents should prevent them _________ too much.

A. to play         B. play        C. plays        D. playing



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