满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Some parents don’t know how to talk abou...

Some parents don’t know how to talk about sensitive(敏感的)topics(话题)with young children.In fact,our kids know about them from TV,movies,magazines and school friends.If we don’t talk with them early and often,they may get them from others.So start to talk with them now.

Start early

Kids know about some sensitive topics at early ages.You are a parent.You have a good chance to talk with your child about these things first.

Start conversations with your child

Start the discussion ourselves.TV is a good topic.If you and your 12-year-old child watch a TV show,ask your child,“Do you like the show ?Why or why not?”and then discuss with your child.

Listen to your child

Do we know about our children’s ideas ?Do we know about our children and have a talk with them.

1.What does the underlined word “them”refer to(指代)?

A.Movies.                          B.Magazines.

C.School friends                    D.Sensitive topics.

2.There are        ways of talking about sensitive topics with children.

A.two             B.three          C.four           D five

3.This passage is for        

A.teachers       B.students

C.parents         D.doctors


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:一些父母不知道如何与小孩子谈论敏感的话题。如果我们不过早或经常与他们谈论这些,他们可能从其他人得到这些信息。短文介绍了三种交流的方式:早谈论,与孩子们开始交流,倾听孩子的讲述。最后作者希望通过这些能对父母有所帮助。 1. we don’t talk with them early and often,they may get them from others.句意:如果我们不过早或经常与他们谈论这些,他们可能从其他人得到这些信息。联系上文,明确谈论敏感的问题。选D 2. early, Start conversations with your child, Listen to your child. 句意:早谈论,与孩子们开始交流,倾听孩子的讲述。明确为三种方式。故选B 3. parents don’t know how to talk about sensitive(敏感的)topics(话题)with young children.句意:一些父母不知道与小孩子谈论敏感的话题。因此说明是写给父母们的。故选C 考点:新闻报道类短文阅读。

One day Mrs.Jones goes shopping.When her husband comes home in the evening,she begins to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress.“I see it in a shop this morning,”she says.

“And--and you want to buy it.”says her husband,“How much does it cost?”

“Forty pounds.

“Forty pounds for a cotton dress?  That’s too much!

But every evening,when  Mr.Jones comes back from work,his wife continues to say only about the dress,and at last, after a week,he says“Oh,buy the dress.Here’s the money!”She is happy.

But the next evening,when Mr.Jones comes home and asks,“Do you buy the famous dress?--'No,”she says.

“Why not?”he asks.

“Well,”Mrs.Jones says,“it is still in the window of the shop after a week,I think nobody else wants this dress,so I don’t want it,either.”

1.At first.Mrs Jones       the beautiful dress in the window of the shop.

A.dislikes         B.1ikes         C.buys         D.wears

2.Her husband doesn’t give her the money right away because

A.he doesn’t love her at all

B.he doesn’t have any money

C.he thinks the dress is too expensive

D.he wants a better one

3.How long does Mrs.Jones talk about the cotton dress?

A.A week.       B.one day.

C.Two days.     D.Two weeks

4.In the end, Mrs Jones

A.is happy to get the dress

B.doesn’t buy the dress

C.is angry with her husband

D.doesn’t get the money to buy the dress



Here is a menu for a fast food restaurant.The prices are in British money, called pounds and penny.There are 100 pence in a pound.

Main meals












Chicken burger






Side dishes












Chicken wings







1.A thirsty(口渴的)boy has only eighty pence—He may ask for

A.a large bottle of orange juice

B.a small bottle of orange juice

C.a large bottle of Cola

D.a small bottle of Cola

2.Which is not sold(卖)in this restaurant?

A.Fries.         B.Coffee

C.Chicken wings       D.Apple pie.

3.Which of the following is the most expensive main meals?

A.A small hamburger.

B.A large hamburger

C.A small chicken burger

D.A large chicken burger.

4.How much does a small hamburger and a large bottle of cola cost?

A.One pound and eighty pence.

B.Two pounds and eighty pence.

C.Two pounds and sixty pence.

D.Two pounds and thirty pence.



完形填空  先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。

Some students like doing their homework in a quiet place.But some       .They often do their homework,listening to music     talking with their friends.This is a kind of study habits.

All students need to have good habits.You learn things     when you have good study habits and you can also remember    easily,too.

Do you 1ike to      in the living room? This is not a good place      it is usually very noisy.You need to study in a      place,like your bedroom. A quiet place can help you only think about one thing that is study.And you can      better.

Before you begin to study, don’t forget to clean your desk.Light is very     ,too.You will feel tired      there is not enough light.

1.A.isn’t      B.aren’t       C.doesn’t       D.don’t

2.A.and       B.but         C.or           D. so

3.A.good      B.nice        C.well         D.fine

4.A.him       B.her         C.it           D.them

5.A.relax      B.study       C.play         D.read

6.A.because    B.so         C.why         D.and

7.A.big        B.small      C.quiet         D.noisy

8.A.1earn      B.speak      C.sleep         D.rest

9.A.interesting  B.boring      C.beautiful     D.important

10.A.or         B.and        C.but          D.if



--Happy New Year Amy!


A.Not at all.            B.That’s right.

C.Yes,I’m very happy.  D.Thanks.The same to you!



        a kite makes the boy________very happy.

A.Flying;feels                   B.Flying;feel

C.Fly;feels                      D.Fly;feel



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