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句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写...









1.Millie is waiting for the/a bus at the school gate. 2.You look really cool in the red gloves 3.How much pocket money does Amy have every month? 4.We can’t spend too much time chatting online/on the Internet. 5.Let’s show the children from poor areas around the modem school. 【解析】 试题分析: 1. Millie正在学校大门口等公交车。考查固定短语:wait for等待;at the school gate在学校门口。故填: Millie is waiting for the/a bus at the school gate. 2. look really cool in the red gloves. 3. Amy每个月有多少零花钱? 分析:对钱进行提问用how much; 通过时间状语every month体现为一般现在时。故填: How much pocket money does Amy have every month? 4. 我们不能花费太多时间在网上聊天。分析:考查固定句型:sb.+spends+ 时间+doing sth.某人做某事花费的时间。故填: We can’t spend too much time chatting online/on the Internet. 5. around参观;现在学校modern school.故填: Let’s show the children from poor areas around the modem school. 考点:句子翻译。


1.Kitty dances for 2 hours every day.(划线部分提问)

does Kitty dance every day?

2.I like blue best.(同义句)

My                 is blue.

3.The cat often lies on his bed.(用now改写)

The cat                   on his bed now.

4.I was born in the morning on March 15 th,2002.(同义句)

1was born         the morning         March 15 th,2002.







1.Thank you for         (叫醒)up my daughter.

2.I want to send you something        (不同的)from Amy’s.

3.The         (衬衫)is for my mother as a gift.

4.How 1ong does it         (花费)you to finish reading the book?

5.FamiIy members get         (一起)on New Year’s Day

6.We do many exciting things t         (在----”之间)classes.

7.My classmate,Millie,likes collecting         (邮票)very much.

8.--What are your         ?

--I like reading and swimming.

9.--Are you         ?Let’s go to the cinema.

-- Sorry, I’m busy.I have much homework to do.

10.-- Lunch gives us         for the whole afternoon.

--Yes,I think so.





1.Yaoming is one of the         ['hIərəz]

2.Do you know the man is a famous         ['modl].

3.To eat in KFC is not a          ['spe∫I]way to deal with the problem.

4.She is good at         ['hIst(ə)rI] and knows many old stories about China

5.The songs 1 want to sing         [In'klu:d]the English one.



Children a11 over the world like to celebrate their birthdays.American children are the same.They usually celebrate with a party.They ask their friends to their parties They don’t have the party on the right date of their birthday if it comes on a school day.They may hold it at the weekend then.

Today many children like two kinds of parties.One is at home.Parents make the house beautiful with balloons and coloured paper.They make a birthday dinner.The children play games.The other kind is away from home Some are at a restaurant.The children eat pizza and ice cream The waiters also sing and say happy birthday to the children.Other parties are at a park or at a cinema.or in some other places.

There is a cake with candles at every birthday party.There is one candle for each year of a birthday boy’s or girl’s age.When the candles are lighted,everyone sings the birthday song:


Birthday parties change.Many people don’t have them when they are not young.They say they would like to forget how old they are.But they do like to keep the happy birthday parties of their childhood in mind.

1.If Tom’s birthday is on October 29th,Wednesday, he may have the party on         .

A. October 29th                       B.October 28th

C.November 1st                       D.November 3rd

2.On Tom’s birthday ,who usually makes a big dinner for the children at home?

A.Tom.           B. His friends

C.His teachers.  D.His parents

3.The Chinese for“waiters”may be         

A.服务员           B.老板         C.等候的人         D.亲戚

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Birthday Parties in China

B.Birthday Parties in the World

C.Birthday Patties in America

D.Birthday Presents for Children



Some parents don’t know how to talk about sensitive(敏感的)topics(话题)with young children.In fact,our kids know about them from TV,movies,magazines and school friends.If we don’t talk with them early and often,they may get them from others.So start to talk with them now.

Start early

Kids know about some sensitive topics at early ages.You are a parent.You have a good chance to talk with your child about these things first.

Start conversations with your child

Start the discussion ourselves.TV is a good topic.If you and your 12-year-old child watch a TV show,ask your child,“Do you like the show ?Why or why not?”and then discuss with your child.

Listen to your child

Do we know about our children’s ideas ?Do we know about our children and have a talk with them.

1.What does the underlined word “them”refer to(指代)?

A.Movies.                          B.Magazines.

C.School friends                    D.Sensitive topics.

2.There are        ways of talking about sensitive topics with children.

A.two             B.three          C.four           D five

3.This passage is for        

A.teachers       B.students

C.parents         D.doctors



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