满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed t...

Sixteen-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed to get their ears pierced.

A.get their ears pierce.

B.get pierced their ears

C.let somebody pierce their ears.

D.have their ears piercing.


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:十六岁的青少年不应该打耳孔。Get sth done=have sth done使某事被做。故排除D。结合句意,故选C。 考点:考查同义词。  


进入初中以来,你一定结交了不少好朋友吧?假设你是大明(或者玲玲), 请你以My good friend 为题,介绍你的朋友Tony  在运动、饮食、爱好以及其他方面的情况。词数80—100词。


来自伦敦,是你的最好朋友,喜欢唱歌和跳舞,最喜欢的运动是踢足球。他喜欢健康食品,特别是蔬菜和水果,不喜欢可乐。他最喜欢中国历史(Chinese history),经常和你一起打游戏。晚上他喜欢上网,听音乐。

My good friend—Tony









补全对话(5分)   从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余

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A:What’s your favourite food?

B    1.

A:Are they healthy food?

B:   2.  They are healthy food.

A:      3.       

B:My favourite drink is Coke.

A:   4.     

B:No,  it isn’t.  Drinking Coke too much is bad for our health.

A:       5.      

B:Sorry,  I haven’t got any milk here




1.Betty likes history and English.  (改为否定句)

Betty ______ ______ history ______ English.

2.I drink some milk every evening. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

______ you ______ ______ milk every evening?

Yes, ______ ______ .

3.His father often goes to work by car.  (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ his father often ______ to work?

4.Please give me the book. (改为同义句)

Please give the book ______ ______ .

5.What’s the weather like?  (改为同义句)

______ ______ the weather?






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The _________is my favourite animal.


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She loves to eat __________


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There is a big __________ in our school.

4.My sister gets lots of ______(礼物) on her birthday party.

5.There are ______ (二十) boys in the class.




I am an American boy. I am thirteen. I      in No. 14 Middle School in Shanghai.  I often get up     half past six from Monday to Friday. I often have a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for my     . I go to school at half past seven and get there before eight o’clock, and      start at eight. We have four lessons in the     and two in the afternoon. At half past three, we     games. I study hard and study well. I like English and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at home, but    at school. I like    TV very much, but I can only watch it on     and Sunday. I often go to    at about nine o’clock.

1.A. work       B. study      C. live    D. stay

2.A. with       B. in       C. on    D. at

3.A. breakfast   B. lunch      C. dinner      D. supper

4.A. films       B. works      C. lessons   D. concerts

5.A. afternoon     B. morning      C. evening     D. night

6.A. make       B. play       C. watch   D. see

7.A. sometimes    B. always       C. usually     D. often

8.A. seeing       B. watching      C. looking     D. looking at

9.A. Monday      B. Saturday     C. Friday       D. Tuesday

10.A. school      B. class         C. bed         D. movies



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