满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

China _______ a lot in the last few year...

China _______ a lot in the last few years.Now it has become one of the strongest _______ in the world.

A.changes, countries          B.changed, country

C.has changed, countries       D.had changed, countries


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在最近几年了中国改变了许多。现在它成为了世界上最强大的国家之一。in the last few years,是现在完成时态的标志词。One of +名词复数,表示······之一。既是现在完成时态又是名词复数的只有C,故选C。 考点:考查现在完成时态及名词的用法。  

—There’s a big test on Tuesday.I really need some help.Can you tell me ______?


A.how do you study for a test

B.when do you study for a test

C.how to study for a test

D.when to study for a test



You shouldn’t take your camera to the meeting room if you are not allowed

A.with permission          B.if you disagree

C.without permission        D.if you agree



Not all the hobbies are good.Some of them can get in the way of schoolwork.

A.be good for              B.be bad of

C.be helpful for           D.influence



We would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.

A.like better           B.be interested in

C.pay more attention to D.be serious about



Work hard, and don’t let us down.We are always proud of you.

A.make…excited          B.make frustrated

C.ask for help        D.look down



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