满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达。(本小题共20分) 如火如荼的英语课堂改革正在进行着,我们学校也在积极...



Some students’ opinions

provide students with easier ways to study and more chances to discuss,  more active class

Other students’ opinions

be not used to this new classroom arrangement(安排)

can’t pay more attention to the teachers in class

My opinion


Nowadays our classroom has changed. The desks are no longer in rows, but pushed together to make bigger desks. The students in the same group sit together.








Nowadays our classroom has changed. The desks are no longer in rows, but pushed together to make bigger desks. The students in the same group sit together. Some students like the new classroom arrangement. It provides students with easier ways to study and more chances to discuss. And the class is more active than before. But other students don’t like it. They aren’t used to it. At the same time they can’t pay more attention to the teachers and always look at classmates. As for me, I like the way we sit. Students come up with their own ideas and can learn more through discussion. It’s a better way to study. What’s more, it can improve students’ abilities to study by themselves and work in groups. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇材料作文。本文所给材料比较详细,我们要做的就是用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不可遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容以及写作要求可知,写作中要注意不同观点的表达,同时注意人称、时态的变化及主谓一致问题,注意适当使用过渡词,保持上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 【亮点说明】这篇短文内容涵盖了题目要求的所有要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。在文章的结构组织上大多使用简单句,文章脉络清晰、自然流畅。同时,文章还使用了一些常用的句式和短语,如:provides sb with sth、be used to、at the same time、pay attention to、come up with、What’s more等,以及动词不定式的使用,这为文章增色不少。在学习中注意积累,掌握一些常用句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:材料作文。  



A. One day about 50 years ago in a village near the Dead Sea, some boys decide to play a game together.

B. “I think they are behind the wall,” he said. He climbed the wall of the cave and suddenly a stone fell away from the wall. In the wall he saw some big pots.

C. “Look, boys! Come here! Look at this!” he shouted. His friends came to see. They got the pots out of the hole in the wall.

D. The boys went to find their teacher in their village. He told them that the pieces of paper were maps and were probably 2,000 years old.

E. In the pots, they found some very old pieces of paper with strange writing on them.

F. One boy waited outside and began to count, “one, two, three,…, nineteen, twenty… I’m coming!” He went into the cave to look for his friends.

A 1._______ 2._______→3._____→4.______→5._____





Scotland has been 1.   (celebrate) “Hogmanay” for centuries. Hogmanay is the other   2.  for New Year’s Eve in Scotland.

Know as the Scotland’s 3.  (big) event, Hogmanay is celebrated with fun and warmth in Edinburgh. It starts just after Boxing Day 4.  December 26th. Hogmany or the New Year in Scotland was introduced 5.  the invading Vikings( 入侵海盗) in the 8th and 9th centuries. Cleaning the house, taking out the ashes from the fire and clearing all debts 6.   (be) some traditions that counted as part of the New year in Scotland. One of the most wonderful 7.   (custom) is shaking of giant fireballs on long metal poles. This can 8.__  (see) during the New Year in Scotland.

9.   popular tradition that is being practiced by many people in Scotland during the New Year is the ceremony of “first footing”.

It’s believed that the 10.   person over the thresh (门槛) on New Year’s Day will dictate(支配) the luck brought to the particular house during the New year. You can find and enjoy all of these during the New Year in Scotland.




prefer    on    buy    depend   spare

A: What are you doing this weekend?

B: Not much. I suppose I’ll just listen to the new CD I1.   .

A: What CD is it?

B: It’s folk music played 2.   the erhu.

A: Well, if you have 3.  time, do you want to watch a movie with me?

B: Hmm, 4.   on which movie. I only5.  movies that are funny. I just want to laugh and not think too much. You know what I mean?

A: Yeah, what about Running Man?

B: Sounds nice.




When my family moved to America in 2010 from a small village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our luggage, but also our rules and culture. One of the rules is that young people are always s 1.   to respect elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.

In my village in China, people are p 2.   of being old. Not so many people live to be seventy or eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most 3.  (知识) and experience. Young people always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.

However, in the United States, 4.  (当地的) people think “growing old” is a problem since “old” shows that a person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep t5.   away from growing old by 6.   (做) exercise, and women put on makeup, hoping to look young. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got m7.  because this caused them to feel they had 8.  (失败)to stay young. I had told them something they didn’t want to hear. It taught me a lesson. Learning what you should and shouldn’t do in s9.  situations may be difficult, but it is 10.  (值得) the trouble if you want to understand another culture.



Cause and effect is one way to explain things that happen around us. Many things happen because something caused or influenced them to happen. Sometimes it is hard to look at a cause and find out what causes the effect. It may help you to start with the effect and use your reasoning (推理的) skills. Think about all the things you know that could be reasons for the effect you can see.

For example,you may see someone putting on a heavy jacket. This is the effect. To look for a cause, think to yourself, “What would make someone put on a heavy jacket?” Maybe the person is going outside into very cold weather. Maybe the person works in the penguin pen (企鹅圈养地) at Sea World. Maybe the person is going to visit an ice skating rink where the air is kept very cold. All of these things could be a cause for putting on a heavy jacket.

Now, think about a second example. The effect is a boy named Tony has to go to the head teacher’s office. What are the possible causes? Maybe he fought with another student. Maybe he is just being picked up early. Maybe he is being given a prize!

Here is another example for you to think about its cause and effect. Carol,13,was trying to fall asleep when her 8­-year­-old brother, Doug, came into her room. He looked around a bit,but seemed really out of it. Then Doug went back into the hallway and stood there looking straight up at the hall light for quite a while. Little brothers can be very strange,but this was really much too strange. Carol didn’t know what to do. Just then, Carol’s father appeared and explained that Doug was sleepwalking. What’s the cause and effect, could you tell?

1.According to the second paragraph,which of the following is an effect?

A. Someone puts on a heavy jacket.

B. Someone works in the penguin pen.

C. Someone will go outside into cold weather.

D. Someone will go to visit an ice skating rink.

2.Tony has to go to the head teacher’s office. Which of the following isn’t the possible cause?

A. He fought with another student. B. He is going shopping.

C. He is being picked up early.    D. He is being given a prize.

3.What was Doug doing when his sister Carol tried to fall asleep?

A. He was going outside.     B. He was reading a story.

C. He was sleepwalking.      D. He was looking for his dad.

4.Which of the following is cause and effect?

A. Tony got up and had a glass of water.

B. We came home and found him sleeping.

C. The ball was lost and a window was broken.

D. Tim was late again and his teacher got angry.



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