满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Lisa, my hat is on the desk. Can you ___...

Lisa, my hat is on the desk. Can you ____ it for me?

get      B. ask      C. play     D. want


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:丽莎,我的帽子在桌子上,你能够帮我取来吗?A.get“取来”;B. ask“询问”;C. play“玩耍”;D.want “想要”;根据题意 A正确。 考点:动词辨析。

I dont know this English word(单词).

----Well,here is a ______ and it can help you.

A. ruler           B. schoolbag

C. dictionary      D. map



_______? Its orange.

A. What color it is

B. What color is it

C. Whats this

D. Where is it



I have ____ soccer ball, but I don’t play_______ soccer.
A. a; the       B. the; a
C. /; a          D. a; /





Some students’ opinions

provide students with easier ways to study and more chances to discuss,  more active class

Other students’ opinions

be not used to this new classroom arrangement(安排)

can’t pay more attention to the teachers in class

My opinion


Nowadays our classroom has changed. The desks are no longer in rows, but pushed together to make bigger desks. The students in the same group sit together.











A. One day about 50 years ago in a village near the Dead Sea, some boys decide to play a game together.

B. “I think they are behind the wall,” he said. He climbed the wall of the cave and suddenly a stone fell away from the wall. In the wall he saw some big pots.

C. “Look, boys! Come here! Look at this!” he shouted. His friends came to see. They got the pots out of the hole in the wall.

D. The boys went to find their teacher in their village. He told them that the pieces of paper were maps and were probably 2,000 years old.

E. In the pots, they found some very old pieces of paper with strange writing on them.

F. One boy waited outside and began to count, “one, two, three,…, nineteen, twenty… I’m coming!” He went into the cave to look for his friends.

A 1._______ 2._______→3._____→4.______→5._____



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