满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One morning Mr. Green and his son, Bill,...

One morning Mr. Green and his son, Bill, are in a big shop. Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater and a skirt for Mrs. Green, and a T-shirt for himself(他自己). Bill likes apples, so (所以)  his father buys two kilos of apples. Bill wants to buy a black T-shirt and some picture books too. There are many people in the shop. They all want to buy something in the shop.

根据上文,判断下列句子正 “T”, 误 “F”.

1.Bill goes shopping with Mrs. Green.

2.Mr. Green wants to buy a new skirt for Mrs. Green.

3.Mr. Green buys a T-shirt for himself.

4.Bill wants to buy some books.

5.Many people buy things in the shop.


1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T 【解析】 1.细节理解题。原文:Mr. Green and his son, Bill, are in a big shop.句意:格林先生和儿子比尔在一家大商店里。不是格林夫人带儿子购物。 2.细节理解题。原文:Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater and a skirt for Mrs. Green,句意:格林先生想为格林夫人买一条新裙子。 3.细节理解题。原文:Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater and a skirt for Mrs. Green, and a T-shirt for himself(他自己).句意:格林先生想为格林夫人买一条新裙子。给他自己买一件T恤衫。 4.细节理解题。原文:Bill wants to buy a black T-shirt and some picture books too.句意:比尔想要买一件黑色T恤衫和一些图画书。 5.细节理解题。原文:There are many people in the shop. They all want to buy something in the shop.句意:商店里有很多人,他们都想在商店里买点东西。

My name is Tom Johnson. I'm 13. I love sports, and I have many sporting goods. I have two soccer balls, five ping- pong bats and balls, four basketballs. But I don’t have baseball. It is difficult for me.  I only watch baseball on TV. After school, I often (经常)play basketball with my classmates. It is relaxing.

1.Do you have a baseball?

A.Yes, I do.

B.No, I don’t.


2.I have _______ soccer balls.

A.six     B.two      C.five

3.I only watch baseball on ______.




4.I often play basketball with my ______.

A. friends

B. cousins

C. classmates

5.My last name is ______.







There are four people in Jim ’s family. They are Kate, Jim, their father and mother. Jim is Kate’s brother. He is fourteen. Kate is Jim’s sister. She is twelve. They are in the same middle school. Jim is in Class One, Grade Three. Kate is in Class Two, Grade One.

They are good students.

Their father Mr. Green is a teacher. He is thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother is a teacher, too. But she teaches Chinese in a different school.

Now they are all at home.

1.How many people are there in Jim’s family?

A. 3               B. 4

C. 5               D. 2

2.Mrs. Green is __________.

A, an English teacher

B. a Chinese teacher.

C. a Japanese teacher

D. a maths teacher

3.Jim and Kate are in ___________ middle school.

A. the same       B. different

C. No. 2          D. same

4.Mr. Green and Mrs. Green work ___________.

A. in different family

B. in the same school

C. in a factory

D. in different schools

5.Now Jim is ________.

A. at school

B. at home

C. on the bed

D. in the classroom




      name is Jim and I am       American boy. I       soccer very much. Owen(欧文)       my favorite (最喜爱的) soccer player. I      a very good friend.      name is George. He also      sports and he      some sports collections.      like      soccer together (一起) after school (放学后).

1.A. My    B. His     C. Her        D. I

2.A. the    B. an       C. a          D. \

3.A. am    B. are     C. like       D. likes

4.A. is     B. are      C. am        D. one

5.A. have  B. has      C. am        D. are

6.A. He     B. Her      C. She        D. His

7.A. like  B. likes   C. to like    D. is

8.A. have  B. is       C. has        D. had

9.A. He     B. Him      C. We        D. Us

10.A. play  B. playing C. played     D. to play




1.Do you have a model plane?             A. He is Mike.

2.How are you?                          B. It is 5 dollars.

3.What’s this in English?               C. No, he doesn’t.

4.Spell it, please.                      D. She is Jane.

5.What color is it?                      E. Nice to meet you, too.

6.What’s your name?                     F. My name is Cindy.

7.Nice to meet you.                      G. It’s pur ple.

8.Can I help you?                        H. How do you do!

9.What is her name?                      I. P-L-A-Y-E-R.

10.Who is he?                            J. Yes, I do.

11.How much is it?                       K. Fine, thanks.

12.Where is your ruler?                  L. It’s a jacket.

13.What’s your telephone number?        M. It is 010-3278210.

14.Does he like bananas?                N. It’s under the chair.

15.How do you do!                      O. Yes, please. I need an apple.



_____ my English book? It is in your bookcase.

A. Where      B. Where is     C. who



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