满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--What’s his phone number? -- 86296735 A...

--Whats his phone number?

--      86296735

A.Hes        B. Shes

C. Its        D. His


D 【解析】 试题分析:根据问句“What’s his phone number?”他的电话号码是多少,可知回答也应该是他的电话号码,故选D。 考点:代词辨析

--Good evening Dale.

--       ,Alice.

A. Hello.

B. Nice to meet you.

C. Good evening.




--Is this      pencil?    --No, its      eraser

A. a; an       B. a; a

C. an; a        D. an; an













A:  1.  .

B: Peter.

A:   2. .

B: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s popular, too, and he is good at sports.

A: 3. .

B: Well, I like sports, but Peter is much stronger than me. We are both quite outgoing.

A: 4.  .

B: 5.  I’m funnier than him.


A.Why is he a good friend?

B.Are there any differences between you and Peter?

C.Who is your best friend?

D.Are you good at sports, too?

E.Yes, he is a little taller than me.

F.Peter is my best friend.

G.Yes, he is the tallest boy.




1.Did you finish the homework by         (你自己)

2.Where do you expect       (go) this summer vacation?

3.To keep h      ,we should eat more fruit and vegetables.

4.You should do your homework          ( careful ) next time.

5.She plays basketball          (两次) a week.

6.My brother enjoys        (喝) milk.

7.Lucy usually goes to school early, but today she w    to school late.

8.They bought the cheapest bike.(划线提问)         bike did they buy?

9.Most people           (不喜欢) selfish men.

10.I am busy now. I have        (little) free time than before.

11.Both of them are         (胜利者) of the speech competition.

12.The beaches in Hawaii are really           (wonder).

13.Tom listens very          (careful) in class. All the teachers like him.

14.I am         (plan) to have a vacation next week.

15.Thank you for       (give) me a hand.



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