满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 Lost:A white dog My name ...



Lost:A white dog

My name is Alan Green. My

phone number is 216-0911.

You can e-mail me at Alan 6515

@163. com.

Found:A purple schoolbag

An English book,a dictionary

and some keys are in it. My

name is Rits Black. My phone

number is 612-7878.

Found:A photo

I found a photo in the school

library. A teacher,a girl and a

boy are in the photo. The

teacher is in a blue jacket. Is it

yours? Call Mike at 216-


Lost:A model plane

I lost my model plane. I must

find it. Call Tony at 678-

0911. E-mail me at tony808@

126. com.











1.Alan can't find his      .

A. schoolbag

B. dog

C. photo '

2.What is NOT in the schoolbag?

A. A dictionary.

B. An English book.

C. A notebook.

3.What color is the teacher's jacket?

A. White.

B. Yellow.

C. Blue.

4.If (如果) you find a model plane,you can call      .

A. Alan

B. Tony

C. Mike

5.Mike's telephone number is      .

A.  216-9871

B.  678-0944

C.  216-0911


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 1.细节理解题。题干意为:Alan找不到他的什么了?我们从表格中找到Alan这个人名,可知在第一个表格里,内容是“lost a white dog”可知丢的是一条白色的狗,故选B。 2.细节理解题。题干意为:书包里没有什么?我们先从表格中找到“schoolbag”这个单词,可知在第二表格里,对比第二个表格,可知书包里没有笔记本,故选C。 3.细节理解题。题干意为:老师的夹克是什么颜色的?我们先从表中找到jacket这个单词,可知在第三个表格里,从里面找到“The teacher is in a blue jacket .”可知选C。 4.细节理解题。题干意为:如果你找到了一个飞机模型,你可以给谁打电话?我们先从表格中找打“model plane”这个词组,可知在第四个表格里,根据“Call Tony at 678-0911.”可知选B。 5.细节理解题。题干意为:Mike的电话号码是多少?我们从表格中找到“Mike”可知在第三个表格里,根据“Call Mike at 216-9871.”可知选A。


Dave: Father, this is my friend, Tim.

Tim: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper.

Mr. Cooper: Nice to meet you, too.

Dave: Tim, these are my grandparents, Peter and Helen. And that's my brother, Paul.

This is my cousin, Bob.

Tim: Hi.And is this your sister?

Dave: Yes, this is Anna.


1.Peter and Helen are Dave's grandfather and grandmother.

2.Dave, Tim and Paul are friends.

3.Anna and Paul are sister and brother.

4.Anna and Bob are cousins.

5.Mr. Cooper is Bob's father.



This Is My Family

My name is Gina Smith. This is       family. My father       Henry. He is 35

years old. This is my mother.       name is Jenny. She is 33.       are my grandparents. They are my mother's       . This is my mother's sister. Her name is Kate. That is my mother's brother.    name is Alan. That girl is not my sister.       is Uncle Alan's daughter,  so she is my       . Those are my brothers, Bob       Joe. I love my       .

1.A. her                   B. she             C. my

2.A. is                    B. am               C. are

3.A. It                    B. Her             C. That .

4.A. That                   B. This              C. These.

5.A. sister and brother   B. son and daughter   C. father and mother

6.A. He                     B. His               C. Her

7.A. He                    B. She                C. You .

8.A. cousin                 B. sister              C. mother ;

9.A. with                  B. and                 C. at

10.A. home                 B. room  .             C. family    .



Whats five and three?

Its      .

A. nine            B. eight

C. zero           D. three



This is a photo      my parents.

A. to              B. of

C .in              D. with



--      . Is this your box?

--Yes. Thanks.

A .Sorry          B. Hello

C. Excuse me     D. Thank you



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