满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

be invent make allow send go A: Hi, Lin...


be  invent  make  allow  send  go

A: Hi, Linda! Where is Alice?

B: She has  1.to the Science Museum. Why didnt you go with her?

A: Oh, I was not 2. to go just now. I had to do my homework at home.

B: But why not go now? Maybe we can see many 3. there.

A: Good idea.    ( they arrived at the Science Museum twenty minutes later.)

B: Wow, Do you know what the rocket is4.of?

A: Metal, and its used for5.satellites or spaceships into space.

B: wonderful! I wish I could go into space some day.


1.gone 2.allowed 3.inventions 4.made 5.sending 【解析】 1.1】结合句意,她去了博物馆,has gone to 表示去某地。 2.2】结合句意,我刚才不被允许去。本句是被动语态,构成为:be+动词的过去分词。 3.3】结合句意,可能我们可以看到许多的发明。invention 是可数名词,发明。 4.4】结合句意,你知道这个火箭是用什么做的吗?be made of 由…制成。 5.5】结合句意,他是用来发射人造卫星和宇宙飞船到太空中去的。For是介词,后面应该用名词或动名词形式。



All flights have _______ ________ because of the bad weather.


There is _______ _______ that computers make the world smaller and nearer.


The girl ______ _______ in the shop is the sister of shopkeeper.


Please tell me how the accident _______ ________.


I_______ ________the book for two weeks.




1.Lucy learnt English as________(care) as Tom, they made so much progress.

2.The two ________(Germany) have been in China for ten months.

3.I like the cat ________ (name) Mimi.

4.Joan stayed up late last night, so she feels ________ (sleep) now.

5.My dream will__________( make) to come true in the future.




1.W________ you need help, send me an e-mail or telephone me.

2.With the d_________ of China, peoples life is getting richer and richer.

3.The Great Wall is known t_________ the world.

4.There are some d__________ between the two languages.

5.Kangkang is so brave. He has p________ his courage in the battle.



Many people always say that listening to spoken English is too hard for them. But if you don't understand what people are saying, how can you talk with them? It may be difficult, but learning by listening is necessary. It can be done.

As we know, different people have different pronunciations of the same word. Standard pronunciation is important for English speaking as well as for listening. In China, people from one area may not understand what people from another area are saying because of the different Chinese① dialects. Standard Chinese pronunciation can help people from different places understand each other easily.

It is the same with English. ②If your pronunciation is not standard, it is hard for other people to understand you.

If you want to learn how to listen to English, the following ways are helpful.

Get some good books with tapes.③ Do more exercises, from the simple to the difficult, step by step.

You can also watch English-language films sand TV programs, and listen to English-language radio. Try to listen every day, even if only for a few minutes. At first you may understand few words. Don't give up. Just listen.

Remember to read and speak English every day. It will help you a lot. Every day, spend an hour reading English. Finally you will notice that you're making progress.

Talk to English-speaking people as often as possible. They will speak more slowly with you, use simple words and use body language to help you understand them. Don't be afraid to talk to them. They won't mind if you have trouble because they may have more trouble making themselves understood in Chinese.



If your pronunciation is not standard, it is hard to _________ yourself ____________.


4.Why is standard English pronunciation important?


5.How many ways does the writer show us to learn to listen to English?




After the First World War, a small group of soldiers left the army and returned to their hometown in France. Most of them lived well, but one of them was poor. His name was Lebeau.

Once a year they had supper together in Barton's house. Barton was a rich man.

One evening Barton showed his friends a large gold coin at the supper table. The coin was passed around and praised by everyone there. At the same time they were talking and laughing. They soon forgot the coin. After supper, Barton asked for the coin, but nobody could tell where it was. It was lost.

One of the men said that everyone must be searched. One by one they turned out their pockets. Only Lebeau refused. I didn't steal the coin, he said, and I will not be searched. After that, people turned their heads away from Lebeau when they met him. He grew poorer and poorer. Soon his wife died.

A few years later, Barton had his house repaired. The lost coin was found under the floor. Barton felt sorry and went to Lebeau to apologize. But he asked, You know the coin was not in your pocket, he said to Lebeau, but why did you refuse to be searched?

Because I was a thief, Lebeau answered. My pockets were full of food at that time. I had taken some food from the table to carry home to my wife and hungry children.

1.Lebeau was poor because____________.

A. he was not a good soldier

B. he was not a clever thief

C. he had a very large family to support

D. none of the above

2.How often did they have a supper together in Bartons house?

A. Every month.

B. Once a year.

C. Once in a while.

D. Very often.

3.The underlined word apologize means__________.

A.解释       B. 道谢

C. 道歉        D. 谅解

4.After that, people turned their heads away from Lebeau when they met him because ____________.

A. they thought he was too poor

B. they didnt want to see him suffering

C. they didnt want to hear what he had to say

D. they thought he stole the coin and didnt want to talk to him

5.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Barton put the coin under the floor.

B. Lebeaus wife died of hunger.

C. Lebeau didnt put the coin into his pockets.

D. At last, Barton gave Lebeau a lot of money.



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