满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意用括号中单词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。 1.The foo...


1.The football match ___________(cancel) because of the bad weather last week.

2. My father has been to many countries,____________(include)the USA, Canana and Japan.

3.He dislikes________(act) films, because he thinks there are too many fights in them.

4.By showing us the beauty of nature, she encouraged us___________(protect) the environment.

5.We should devote much of time to____________(mean) career, such as charity.

6.What will you buy for your grandfather’s  ___________ (ninety)birthday.

7.---Do you know who is___________(wealth) person in China? Its said that Ma yun is.

8.There are a number of_____________(interview) with some famous football players.

9.Write down the key points to go over them later while_________(listen) to the talk.

10.On13th,December, 2014, Chairman Xi Jinping together with thousands of people mourned(哀悼)the_________(lose) of people in the Nanjing Massacre in Nanjing.


1.was cancelled 2.including 3.action 4.to protect 5.meaningful 6.ninetieth 7.the wealthiest 8.interviews 9.listening 10.loss 【解析】 试题分析: 1. cancelled. 2. 3.考查名词。句意:他不喜欢动作片,因为 里面有太多打斗。动词act的名词形式“行动,动作”。 4.考查不定式 。句意:通过向我们展示自然界的美丽,她鼓励我们去保护环境。固定短语:encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”。 5.考查形容词。句意:我们应该花多点时间致力于有意义的事业,比如,慈善。动词mean的形容词meaningful“有意义的”。 6.考查序数词。句意:你将买什么作为你奶奶的九十岁生日?表示生日岁数需要使用序数词。 7.考查形容词最高级。句意:你知道中国最富裕的人是谁吗?据说是马云。名词wealth的形容词形式wealthy。其最高级为变y为i加est. 8.考查名词。句意:对于著名足球明星们来说会有许多的采访。Interview可以做名词也可以作动词。 9.考查分词。句意:在聆听报告期间,记下要点来,以便之后复习。在状语从句中,主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语含有动词be,可以省略 从句的主语和be.此处原本为:while you are listening to the talk。 10. 考点:词汇填空


1.Which____________(传统的) Chinese festival do you like better, the Spring Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival?

2.Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know things clearly_____(除非) you can write them down.

3.Tim likes watching films, especially_________(亚洲的) horror films.

4.The leaders from different countries think __________(高度地) of the development of China?

5.---Dont you think Ha Wen is a famous ____________(导演)? ---Yes, I do.




What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler…, and don’t forget a bottle of water!

According to a study at the British Psychological ( 心理学的) Society Annual Conference held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their grades by up to 10 percent.

Scientists at the University of East London and the University of Westminster, UK, did a study on 447 students. The students were studying for different degrees (学历) at the University of East London. Only 25 percent of them entered the exam hall with something to drink.

Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades. They found that all those who had brought drinks with them got better grades by between 2 and 10 percent.

It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our brains. Drinking water may also cut down on anxiety ( 焦虑), which has a bad effect on exam performances, according to Chris Pawson, PhD, of the University of East London.

“Whatever the explanation, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated (含水的)with water during exams,” he said.

So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water with you.Who knows it may help you pass the exam!

1.How much may the students improve their grades most if they bring water into exams?

A. By 2%.        B. By 8%.

C. By 10%.       D. By 25%.

2. How many students in the study got better grades?

A. About112 students who brought drinks or water into their exams.

B. All the447 students who come from the University of East London.

C. About300 students who took part in the study.

D. About10 percent of the students who studied different subjects.

3.The underlined phrase “cut down on” probably means _______.

A. increase         B. bring

C. reduce           D. change

4. According to the passage, how does water help students in exams?

a. It is good for their brains.   b. It makes students smarter.

c. It helps students stay cool.  d. It helps students stay awake.

A. a b       B. a c

C. b c       D. c d

5.Where can you probably read the article?

A. Fashion magazine.

B. Text book.

C. Travel guide.

D. Newspaper.




Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.

One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought that someone would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?” The young man paused, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish(星鱼) in the ocean.” “I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?”

“The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I don’t throw them in, they’ll die.”

“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish, and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one.”

There is something very special in every one of us. We all have the ability to make a difference. And if we can know that talent, we will get the power to create the future through the strength of our visions(远见) .

We must each find our starfish. And if we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be better.


1.Whats the habit of the wise man before he began his work?

A. Doing his writing

B. Picking up some starfish

C. Walking on the beach

D. Throwing some starfish into the ocean

2.One day, the wise man saw the young man ______.

A. dancing along the beach

B. walking with a dancer

C. picking up starfish for sale

D. trying to save as many starfish as possible

3.Near the end of the passage, “something very special” refers to ______.

A. the ability of throwing things

B. the strength of making decisions

C. our own starfish

D. the ability of creating one’s own future

4.From the last two paragraphs, we can learn that ______.

A. the wise man realized something new and important

B. the wise man thought it was foolish of the young man to throw starfish in the ocean

C. the young man had the ability to change the whole world alone

D. it is necessary for us to save starfish on the beach

5.The writer told this story in order to show us ______.

A. how and where we can write a good article

B. everyone can do something for the future

C. wise men are sometimes silly

D. young people are actually wiser than old people




When I was ten, my sisters and I were amazed at our neighbors Christmas tree. We returned home from their house and decided that we must have one of our own. In our house we never had enough money for a Christmas tree.

In fact, we insisted so much that my father had no choice but to agree. “Yes!” he finally said.“This year we will have a Christmas tree.” Our mouths dropped open at the thought of having our own tree. Then Dad said,“Ill do it myself.”

We followed him around the house as he gathered up the materials he would need, We all sat close to him, carefully watching everything he did. He passed the thread around the first nail on the corner of a box, then back down to the second nail on the box, and up again to the nail, until right there before our eyes a green a Christmas tree began to take shape. He carefully did the same with all of the 50 nails in the box and when he had finished he said,“Now you can decorate it.”

I dont remember where the decorations came from, but they were red and small and to us they just looked so beautiful and perfect for our tree. When we finished decorating it, we proudly invited all our friends over to see our Christmas tree. We were so happy, not only because it looked so pretty, but because my father had made it himself. It truly was the most beautiful Christmas tree we had ever seen.

Years later, things got better and Dad was able to buy a proper Christmas tree which we would happily decorate. However, my sisters and I will never forget the night when we got our first Christmas tree.

1.What do we know about the writer?

A. She had lots of friends at school.

B. She knew little of her neighbors.

C. She lived a hard life when she was young.

D. She seldom saw beautiful green trees.

2.How did the writer and her sisters feel when their father decided to make a Christmas tree?

A . Excited       B .Tired

C. Bored         D .Worried

3.The third paragraph mainly describes__________.

A. why the writer and her sisters went around the house

B. what were needed to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree

C. how long it took to find materials

D. how the Christmas tree was made

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A.A brave act by a happy family

B.A fathers love for his children

C.A picture of large families

D .An act of kindness

5.The Chinese meaning of the underlined worddecoration is_______.

A. 决定       B讨论

C 装饰        D 词典



I used to live in a separate room. I loved living alone. But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to    my room. At first, my parents said “no” to him, but at last my mother agreed. I cried and begged my parents not to do this,    it didn’t work.

As soon as Mike entered my room, my room began to become    . To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes everywhere!

One evening,I was doing my homework on my computer while Mike was listening to music. Later, I left my    to get some water. A shock was waiting for me when I returned. He had used my computer to play games. I had    to save the homework. Sadly, he closed the program without saving it---all my effort had disappeared! I shouted at him at the top of my    . He cried a lot as my mother    him. My mother also asked him to leave my room    .

Then I did my homework once again. At 11:00 pm, I    it. I was about to turn off my computer    I saw the photo of my brother that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how he was crying when my mom punished him. I really felt   for him.

I went to him. He was_   in my parents’ bed. I kissed his forehead. He woke up,   and said, “I’m sorry. I won’t bring you    again.”

I was so moved and I hugged him, saying, “From now on, my room is not only    . It is ours!”

1.A. clean   B. paint       C. visit   D. share

2.A. or     B. if         C. but    D. so

3.A. dirty   B. empty      C. beautiful  D. dark

4.A. office   B.TV          C. book       D. seat

5.A. decided   B. forgotten  C. wanted     D. tried

6.A. chair    B. desk       C. voice    D. computer

7.A. loved     B. praised  C. admired    D. punished

8.A. at once   B. at most    C. at times  D. at all

9.A. dropped   B. finished C. improved  D. changed

10.A. until  B. as         C. when       D. while

11.A. good     B. sorry      C. lucky      D. happy

12.A. playing   B. crying   C. sleeping  D. eating

13.A. showed up  B. gave up  C. put up    D. got up

14.A. water      B. trouble   C. homework  D. music

15.A. his       B. ours     C. theirs  D. mine



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