满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Colors often have different meanings in ...

Colors often have different meanings in different cultures.In the U.S., people have found the following to be true.


Black is the color of power.It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner.


White is the symbol of purity.White is thought to be a summer color.However, white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colors.


This is the most exciting color.Red furniture (家具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention.Red cars are the thieves’ favorite.Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite (食欲) stimulant.This means it can make people eat more.


Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean.Peaceful blue is often used in bedrooms.Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms.


Green represents nature.It is the easiest color on the eye.Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.


Sunny yellow is a cheerful color, yet people lose their tempers (发脾气) more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more.

1.Which color is a summer color?

A.Blue.         B.White.

C.Green.        D.Red.

2.The underlined word stimulant means “______”.

A.刺激物        B.防腐剂

C.辐射物       D.装饰品

3.Where is color red often used?

A.In bedrooms.     B.In gyms.

C.In hospitals.  D.In restaurants.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A.White can make people eat more.

B.Blue can make patients feel more relaxed.

C.People can get angry easily in yellow rooms.

D.Black cars are popular among thieves


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 1.考查语境理解,细节理解题。原文:para.2:White is thought to be a summer color.句意:白色被看作夏季色。A.Blue“蓝色”;B.White.“白色”;C.Green.“绿色”;D.Red.“红色”;根据题意B正确。 2.考查语境理解,词义猜测题。原文:This means it can make people eat more.句意:这会让人们吃得更多。由此推测红色是一种刺激人们食欲的颜色。故此A刺激物正确。 3.考查语境理解,细节理解题。原文:Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite (食欲) stimulant.句意:红色常被用于饭馆里,因为它能促进人们的食欲。A.In bedrooms.“卧室里”;B.In gyms “健身中心”;C.In hospitals “医院”;D.In restaurants.“饭馆里”;故此D正确。 4.考查语境理解,细节理解题。原文:yet people lose their tempers (发脾气) more often in yellow rooms,句意:然而人们在黄色的房间里更容易生气。A 项“白色让人吃得多”,原文是红色增加食欲;B “蓝色让病人感觉放松”,原文是绿色让病人感觉放松;D 项“黑色轿车受小偷喜欢”,原文是红色轿车受小偷喜欢 ;根据题意C正确。


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1.If you are a fan of the Korean actor, you may go to       in April.

A.Beijing      B.Shanghai      C.Guangzhou       D.Nanjing

2.Part 2 is probably from      

A.a novel      B.a university poster C.a science book   D.a textbook




One Sunday afternoon,my younger brother and I were left alone at home.I was doing my homework      my younger brother was watching TV.Suddenly,the doorbell rang.My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the    quickly.

A tall man stood outside and asked politely    our parents were at home.

    thinking,my brother answered,“No.” When I wanted to close the door,he suddenly    the door very hard and came into our house.He took out a     6and ordered me to tie up my brother’s    with a rope (绳索).I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开)himself     .The man then tied my hands up and locked    of us in the kitchen.

Soon, he went upstairs.I taught my brother to untie his rope with his hands.He then untied    .We rushed to the telephone to call the police, but the line was cut off.The doors were all locked from outside.It was lucky that the man forgot       the kitchen door.We got out of the house    the window and went to the    pay phone to call the police.

Soon the police came and the man was caught.By the time, my parents had come home.We told them the whole story.My parents were glad that we were not    .They told me that I should stop my brother from    the door to the stranger.I learned a lesson on safety.

1.A.as   B.before   C.while   D.when

2.A.cupboard   B.door    C.doorbell  D.window

3.A.if   B.how   C.when   D.why

4.A.After   B.By   C.Before   D.without

5.A.pushed  B.took   C.knocked  D.closed

6.A.candy      B.gift     C.knife    D.phone

7.A.feet   B.legs     C.hands   D.arms

8.A.difficultly  B.easily   C.hardly   D.suddenly

9.A.all          B.both     C.each   D.neither

10.A.me           B.myself   C.him     D.himself

11.A.locking    B.closing   C.closed   D.to lock

12.A.across  B.under   C.over   D.through

13.A.farther   B.nearest   C.cheapest  D.nicest

14.A.crying   B.hurt   C.frightened  D.lost

15.A.turning on  B.sending  C.opening      D.closing



I am afraid I have to give up my dream of being a singer.

        .No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

A.Don’t lose heart

B.Don’t mention it

C.That’s unusual

D.You must be joking



I’d like to know ________ next week.

A.when is he coming

B.how will he go

C.whether he will come

D.where will he go



You have been happy ________ I first met you

A.till          B.since

C.until        D.while



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