满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---Whose dictionary it is? ----It be Gin...

---Whose dictionary it is?

----It      be Ginas. Her name is on it.

A. can       B. might

C. must      D. could


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意为,---这是谁的词典?---这肯定是Gina的,她的名字还在上面的。结合句意,此处表示肯定的推测,情态动词must表示肯定的推测,故选C。 考点:情态动词辨析

He is serious about    soccer because he wants to be a soccer player

A. play          B. plays

C. to play        D. playing



The book     into many other languages last years.

A. translated

B. be translating

C. was translated

D. translate



----Do you know who invented the telephone?

----No,I only know it     in 1876.

A. invented       B. was invented

C. invents         D. were invented




注意:1. 词数:80词左右;

2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;

3. 要求条理清楚,语意连贯,字迹工整,可适当发挥。










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Recent studies have1. that exercise is good to 2. your physical strength and brain. A new study finds that people become 3. after starting a running program. In their study, the researchers had seven young people start a running program consisting of running 30minutes,two or three 4. a week for at least 12skills before and after the 3-month running program. After 12 weeks of running, scores on all of the tests5. greatly in the runners, as did their reaction times(反应时间)in completing the tests, but the scores began to fall again if the runners stopped their6..

The results could have suggestions for old people as 7..According to these researchers, old people8.started a 4-month exercise program also showed it may help doctors find a way to use exercise and running to help old people and those 9.Altheimer’s(老年痴呆) disease improve 10. memory and other mental skills.



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