满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The weather is getting hotter. You are t...

The weather is getting hotter. You are thirsty playing basketball or riding home from school. A cold drink may  be just the thing. But be careful what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health.

There are plenty of "energy drinks" on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names. The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health. Sounds great!

But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine (咖啡因) in them. These drinks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much.

Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited( 限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks. Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them.

1.Many people like drinking energy drinks because of the following EXCEPT that ________.

A. they have beautiful colors and cool names

B. they have lots of caffeine

C. they can keep them awake and better at sports

D. they are said to be helpful to health

2.he main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause _____.

A. heart problems

B. nervousness

C. sleeping difficulty

D. possible health dangers

3.The underlined word "discouraged" can be replaced(替换) with "________".

A. encouraged       B. stopped

C. helped          D. disliked

4.From the passage we can know that _________.

A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinks

B. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers' study

C. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinks

D. energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers

5.Which of the following can be the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. What's the Use of Energy Drinks?

B. Who Can Drink Energy Drinks

C. What's That in Energy Drinks?

D. Why Can't We Buy Energy Drinks?


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 【解析】 1.1】细节理解题。题干意为:许多人喜欢喝能量饮料,不是因为哪一项?A. they have beautiful colors and cool names 他们有美丽的颜色和很酷的名字。B. they have lots of caffeine他们有许多咖啡因。C. they can keep them awake and better at sports 他们可以使人保持清醒和在运动上做得刚好,D. they are said to be helpful to health他们被说成是对身体健康有帮助的。根据对文章的了解,可知选B。 2.2】细节理解题。题干意为:人们不能喝太多能量饮料的主要原因是什么?根据文章的描述“Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks.”可知选D。 3.3】细节理解题。题干意为:画线单词“discourage”可以被替换成哪个单词?根据文章的描述说咖啡因对人的身体不好,所以最后一段,专家不鼓励青少年喝含有咖啡因的饮料,可以用stop代替。 4.4】细节理解题。题干意为:通过这篇文章,我们知道了什么?A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinks广告对于人们买能量饮料很重要。文章没有提到,所以是错误的。B. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers' study能量饮料对青少年的学习有帮助。根据文章的描述“Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems.”可知是错误的。C. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinks运动员需要喝很多的能量饮料。根据文章的描述“Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited( 限制) its use.”可知是错误的。D. energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers,能量饮料主要是针对青少年,根据文章的描述“These drinks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players.”可知是正确的。故选D。 5.5】推理判断题。题干意为:这篇文章的最好的题目是什么?通读全文,可知讲的是喝能量饮料对身体有什么不好,故选D。

For most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective “fashionable” in the same way: “She was wearing a fashionable coat. His shirt was really a fashionable colour.”

But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs…and in languages. Fashions change as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860.

Today fashions change very quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspaper, radios, telephones and television send information from one country to another in a few hours.

New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.

1.From this passage we know that “fashion” means ______.

A. clothes

B. many things

C. most of the popular things

D. everything

2.Which of the following things is fashionable today?

A. Surfing on the Internet.

B. Having a family dinner on New Year’s Day.

C. Learning to sing songs on the radio.

D. Doing morning exercises at school.

3.Today fashions change very quickly because _______.

A. people read newspaper every day

B. radios send information from one country to another

C. new things that people like are often shown on TV

D. people quickly learn what is happening in the world

4.There is money in fashion” means ______

A. clothes are expensive

B. money comes from fashion

C. people will buy new things

D. fashions make big money

5.The best title for the passage is ______.

A. Fashions

B. Fashion mean clothes

C. Fashion means money

D.A fashionable colour



A little boy wanted to meet God,  so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. On his way he saw an old woman     in the park. The boy sat down next to her. The old lady looked      ,  so he offered her a cake. She    it thankfully and smiled at him. Her smile was    pretty that the boy wanted to see it again,  so he gave her a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was very happy! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling,  but they never say a word. As it grew dark,  the boy got up to leave.    he left,  he gave her a kiss. She gave him her    smile ever.

When the boy     home,  his mother saw the look of joy    his face. She asked him,    made you so happy? He replied,  I had lunch with God. She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ ve ever seen! The old woman also returned to her home       . Her son asked,  Mother,  why are you so happy? She answered,  I ate cakes in the park with God.

You know,  he’s much younger than I expected .

1.A. sits      B. sitting     C. to sit      D. sat

2.A. hungry    B. angry      C. thirsty     D. tired

3.A. received    B. gave      C. accepted     D. refused

4.A. very     B. too       C. so      D. quite

5.A. Before     B. After      C. Since      D. Until

6.A. big     B. bigger     C. the biggest    D. biggest

7.A. got to     B. got      C. reaches     D. arrived in

8.A. in      B. with      C. at       D. on

9.A. Which     B. Where      C. What      D. Why

10.A. happily    B. happy     C. happiness    D. happier



The little girl loves music that she can        .

A. sing along

B. sing along with

C. along with

D. to sing along with



---How do you like the pictures which      on show?

---I like       very much.

A. is; them      B. are; them

C. is it         D. are ;it



Peter likes music      is really loud and energetic.

A. that       B. who

C. whom       D./



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