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Reporter : How long have you been a fir...


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Reporter : How long have you been a firefighter?

Wilson :  For eight years.

Reporter : How did you get started?

Wilson:  First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks. Then, I went to the fire fighter school for four months. I learned how to put out fires and how to use equipment(装备) . I also had a fulltime training every day!

Reporter : How do you stay safe on the job?

Wilson:  I wear special clothing. It helps keep me protected from fire. I also carry an oxygen tank(氧气瓶)and a mask(面具). They help me to breathe in a smokefilled building.

Reporter : Are there any new tools that firefighters use?

Wilson: We have a special camera that can see in the dark. It can find heat . That way, we can exactly tell the place of a fire.

Reporter : Do you save pets?

Wilson: Just three days ago, I helped save some cats. They were hiding under the beds. Pets usually hide during a fire because they are afraid of danger.

Reporter : Do you ever get afraid?

Wilson: No. There is no time to be afraid . I just think about what to do to put out the fire safely.

Reporter : What do you like best about being a firefighter?

Wilson: Helping people!

1.Kate Wilson has done her job for                .

A. 2 weeks          B. 3 days

C. 4 months        D. 8 years

2.To become a firefighter, Kate Wilson          at first.

A. took a lot of tests

B. learned to stay safe

C. saved some animals

D. use fire equipment

3.Kate Wilson says she does not get afraid because              .

A. she has a oxygen tank

B. she knows how to fight fires

C. she enjoys finding heat

D. she is too busy putting out fires


1.D 2.A 3.D 【解析】 1.1】细节理解题。题干意为:Kate Wilson干这个工作多长时间了?根据文章的描述“Reporter : How long have you been a firefighter? Wilson :For eight years.”可知八年了,故选D。 2.2】细节理解题。题干意为:要成为一名消防员,Kate Wilson首先要做什么?根据文章的描述“First, I had to take a lot of tests in two weeks.”可知选A。 3.3】细节理解题。题干意为:Kate Wilson说他没有害怕过是因为什么?根据文章的描述“There is no time to be afraid .I jus t think about what to do to put out the fire safely.”可知选D。

Teddy' s Bear

The story of how the teddy bear was invented is an interesting one. In 1902, American president (总统),Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was hunting (打猎) in the forest     several of his friends. Almost everyone had successfully shot an animal, but the president     not.  Nobody wanted to make the president look     , so they tied an American black bear to a     . They wanted the president to shoot     .

The president was very surprised to see the bear tied to a tree. He felt it was    to shoot the bear, because it couldn't run away. He     to shoot it, and the story of his decision went all over the country.    was moved by the president's beliefs (信念). There was     a cartoon showing the president refusing to shoot a cute bear.

It was this cartoon and the story behind the president's hunting trip that gave Morris an idea to make a new     . He made a small, soft bear and     it in his shop window. Next to the bear he made a sign that read, "Teddy's Bear". The new toy was a big success and it     Morris with the money to create a toy company.

Teddy bears have been     since they were first made. A teddy bear would be the first choice     people think about children's toys. Theodore Roosevelt's famous     on a hunting trip in 1902 brought millions of soft, stuffed bears. They are being loved by people across the world.

1.A. for          B. with            C. by             D. without

2.A. did          B. should           C. would       D. was

3.A. sad          B. happy           C. friendly        D. fine

4.A. wall         B. chair            C. rock          D. tree

5.A. it           B. him             C. them           D. her

6.A. difficult      B. unfair           C. dangerous      D. exciting

7.A. wanted       B. decided         C. refused          D. went

8.A. Everybody    B. Nobody         C. Both            D. Neither

9.A. only         B. hardly           C. even           D. still

10.A. company     B. toy             C. shop           D. present

11.A. collected     B. showed          C. found           D. hid

12.A. gave         B. filled            C. met           D. provided

13.A. colorful      B. expensive        C. popular        D. boring

14.A. since        B. when            C. until            D. unless

15.A. decision    B. speech          C. sign            D. skill




2.手机用于和别人交流(communicate with sb)













1.poteto chips are c     , most children like to eat them.

2.The t       dog is my pet.

3.Mr.Smith is my nextdoor n      he often helps me with my study.

4.The m       of this company is very strict in his work.

5.The soup is too s     ,could you please add some water?




1.The personal computer was invented in 1976 (就划线部分提问)

the personal computer         ?

2.A  Chinese named  Cai Lun invented paper.(改为被动语态)

Paper                     a Chinese named Cai Lun.

3.You shouldnt take away the dictionary.(改为被动语态)

The dictionary                      away.

4.The man could be running for exercise.(就划线部分提问)

the man        running for?

5.I like movies that are interesting.(对划线部分提问)

movies do you like?




A: Tom, Im starting a band.1.

B:Sure,John .Id love to be in a band.


B:No,I dont want to play an instrument. I think I can sing. I like music that has great lyrics.


B:Well,theres Dave. He plays the piano. But he prefers quiet music.

A:What about Henry? He plays the guitar, doesnt he?


A:Thats OK. We can play loud music and quiet music.

B:What kind of music do you like ,John?

A:Oh,I like music that I can dance to. But there is just one problem for our band.

B: 5.

A:I cant sing well.

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