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完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分) In England, winte...


In England, winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot.There      a great difference between summer and winter.Why is this? England has a warm winter and a      summer because it is an island country.In winter the sea is     than the land.The winds from the sea     warm air to England.In summer the sea is cooler than the land.The winds from the sea bring cool air to England.The    winds blow over England all the year round.They blow from the southwest.They are     winds.They bring     to England all the year round.England has a lot of rain all the year round.The west of England is      than the east.More rain falls there.The four seasons are all     months long.If you want to visit England , you can go there in     

1.A.isn’t    B.doesn’t have  C.is    D.has

2.A.cold    B.cool    C.hot    D.warm

3.A.warmer       B.warm    C.hot    D.hotter

4.A.carries       B.are    C.bring    D.take

5.A.west    B.east    C.southeast   D.southwest

6.A.cool    B.winter   C.wet    D.cold

7.A.cloud    B.rain    C.cold    D.snow

8.A.wet    B.drier    C.wetter   D.colder

9.A.two        B.four    C.three    D.same

10.A.spring       B.autumn   C.winter   D.each season


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了英国的天气,在英国冬天不太冷夏天不太热。在夏天和冬天之间没有很大的不同。 1.在英国冬天不太冷夏天不太热。在夏天和冬天之间没有很大的不同。本句考查there be 句型,根据句意,故选A. 2.英国有一个暖和的冬天和凉爽的夏天,因为它是个岛国。A.cold冷的;B.cool凉爽的;C.hot炎热的;D.warm暖和的。根据上句在夏天和冬天之间没有很大的不同。故选B。 3.在冬天,海水比陆地暖和,A.warmer更暖和的;B.warm暖和的;C.hot热的;D.hotter更热的。根据下句来自海洋的风把暖和的空气带到英国来。故选A。 4.来自海洋的风把暖和的空气带到英国来。A.carries携带;B.are系动词,是;C.bring带来;D.take带走,根据The winds from the sea bring cool air to England。可知故选C。 5.英国一年到头都刮西南风,他们从西南刮过来。A.west西;B.east东;C.southeast东南;D.southwest西南。根据下句他们从西南刮过来,可知故选D。 6.他们都是潮湿的风,A.cool凉爽的;B.winter冬天; C.wet潮湿的;D.cold寒冷的。根据下文,他们给英国一年到头都带来雨。故选C。 7.他们给英国一年到头都带来雨。A.cloud云;B.rain雨;C.cold寒冷;D.snow雪。根据下句,英国一年到头都下很多的雨。故选B 8.英国的西部比东部更潮湿些。A.wet 潮湿的;B.drier更干燥些;C.wetter更潮湿些;D.colder更冷些。根据下句,那下更多的雨。故选C。 9.四季都是三个月长。A.two两个;B.four四个;C.three三个;D.same相同的。因为是四个季节,所以每个季节有三个月。故选C。 10.如果你想去英国,你可以在任何季节去A.spring春天;B.autumn秋天;C.winter冬天;D.each season每个季节。根据文章可知英国在夏天和冬天之间没有很大的不同。故选D。 考点:故事类短文。

We have moved into the new flat            

A.since two years        B.two years ago

C.since two years ago    D.in two years



Do you know Sunshine Town  ______ , Mr Chen?

A.very much     B.very well

C.very good    D.often



—Tom , where is Lucy ?

—She ______ be in the library.But I’m not sure.

A.must          B.need            C.may           D.has to



Mr John’s car hit a tree and he was trapped in the car.What telephone number should he call for help?

A.110           B.119         C.120           D.122



We often go to the market ______ the birds.

A.to offer   B.to look

C.to find   D.to watch



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