满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

This is a message world. You speak, writ...

This is a message world. You speak, write letters, make a telephone call. You words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words?

A smile on your face shows you are          or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You       your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages.

For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know       bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?

People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his         to tell beautiful scenery, interesting people, and many other things. A musician can express his or her feelings through music. You can         happiness, sorrows, worries, sadness, and beauty by listening to some kinds of music. A dancer can express his or her feelings through his or her body. That’s a kind of body        .

Books are written to       you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas and feelings. Books, magazines, newspapers, TVs, radios, QQ,s e-mails, movies and mobile phones       help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

I enjoy reading in my       time. An interesting book, a cup of green tea, a comfortable chair. I can spend my Sunday afternoons        and happily in the warm winter sunshine.

Communication is everywhere in the world and in our lives.

1.A. safe                B. happy               C. young            D. alone

2.A. shake               B. lift                 C. touch             D. wash

3.A. what                B. when               C. where            D. which

4.A. buildings            B. meanings            C. paintings          D. beginnings

5.A. provide             B. volunteer            C. consider           D. experience

6.A. direction            B. emotion             C. business           D. language

7.A. tell                 B. say                 C. talk               D. speak

8.A. both                B. all                  C. none              D. neither

9.A. busy               B. hard                 C. free               D. easy

10.A. badly              B. nearly               C. quietly            D. Terribly


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章主要讲述了这是一个信息世界。你说话,写信,打电话。你的话传递消息。人与人之间沟通也需要信息。你认为你可以不用语言交流?.还有许多的交流信息,人们可以有许多其他的交流方式。 1.. A. Safe安全的;B. happy 高兴的;C. young 年轻的;D. Alone孤独的。根据句意可知你脸上的微笑表明你是友好的或开心的,故选B。 2.A. Shake摇晃;B. Lift举起;C. touch 接触;D. Wash洗衣服。跟据句意你摇你的头,人们知道你是说“不”。你点头,人们知道你是说“是”。结合语境故选A, 3.;A. what 什么;B. when 何时;C. where 在哪 ;D. Which哪一个;根据句意:例如,汽车的标志让你知道乘坐那一辆公共汽车。 选D。 4.A. Buildings建筑物;B. Meanings意思;C. Paintings绘画;D. Beginnings开始。根据句意:一个艺术家可以用他的绘画来描述美丽的风景,有趣的人和许多其他的事情。故选C。 5.A. Provide提供;B. Volunteer自愿;C. consider 考虑;D. Experience经历。故此句意:你可以靠听一些音乐经历快乐,悲伤,焦虑,悲伤。故选D。 6.A. direction 方向;B. emotion 情感;C. business 生意;D. Language语言;根据句意:一个舞者可以通过他或她的身体表达他或她的感情。那是一种身体语言。故选D。 7.A. tell 告诉;B. say 说;C. Talk交谈;D. Speak说;根据句意:书可以告诉你世界上美好的事物以及人们想法和心情。故选A。 8.. A. both 两者都;B. All三者或三者以上全都 ;C. None三者或三者以上都不 D. Neither表示两者都不。根据句意:书籍、杂志、报纸、电视、收音机、QQ、的电子邮件、电影和手机,所有都能帮助我们与他人交流。故选B。 9.A. busy 忙的;B. hard 难的;C. Free免费的;空闲的;D. Easy容易的。根据句意我喜欢在我的闲暇时间读书。故选C 10.A. Badly糟糕地;B. nearly 几乎;C. quietly 安静地;D. Terribly可怕地,糟糕地。根据句意:在温暖的冬日阳光下,我可以安静地度过我的星期日下午。故选C。 考点:日常生活类短文。

If you are lost in the mountain, don’t get nervous. Staying calm will greatly       your chances of survival. Many people think that good preparation is very         . But actually the most important thing is to keep calm. In order to survive, you can do the following things.

First, find a hiding place.

Unnecessary movement will make you         . You’d better find a hiding place to rest in order to save your        . If you are in snow, you may be able to dig a cave for protection          the cold weather.

Second, send a signal(信号) to searchers for help.

The best time to          a signal for help is during the day. Do this from the           point. It will be easier for searchers to see you. If you take a box of matches, build three smoky fires with some dry branches and the           will tell other people where you are.

Third, do not walk away.

Walking away will make it more difficult to find you,             searchers will try to follow your path and may        you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often find a car with no one in it.

1.A.Reduce    B.Increase   C.Include      D.prove

2.A.Helpless   B.Hopeful   C.Important   D.useless

3.A.strong     B.Weak     C.Happy       D.sad

4.A.Food      B.Money    C.Water       D.energy

5.A.From      B.At      C.For        D.off

6.A.buy      B.Send     C.take         D.borrow

7.A.low       B.High     C.Lowest      D.highest

8.A.Smoke    B.Matches   C.Box        D.branches

9.A.but       B.Because  C.although      D.so

10.A.Catch    B.Fetch    C.Miss         D.run




Beijing Duck, some broccoli, tomato soup, and some rice, please.

A. May I take your order, sir       B. What’s the date today

C. How’s it going                 D.  Any message for me



Do you have a China dream?

Of course. I want to study abroad. I’m sure to __________ my dream.

A. get back to        B. look forward to

C. hold on to         D. pay attention to



This kind of skirt sells well this year.

It __________ by a young art college student last year, and it's very creative and popular.

A. has designed             B. is being designed

C. will be designed        D. was designed



__________ have you been to Hong Kong on business?

Once in a month.

A. How old           B. How often

C. How soon          D. How long



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