满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Here are some posters for you: 1.How lon...

Here are some posters for you:

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1.How long does School Art Festival last?

A. A week             B. Two weeks.

C. A month.            D. Half a year.

2. When will there be a cooking competition?

A. Jan.1, 2015.       B.  Jan.6, 2015.

C. June 1, 2014.       D. May 1, 2014.

3. What can’t we do during School Art Festival?

A. Enjoy beautiful fireworks at night.

B. Watch great paintings.

C. Have free delicious traditional food.

D. Watch dancing show.

4.How much should you pay if you go to the six-month English courses twice a week?

A. 150 yuan.           B. 200 yuan.

C. 320 yuan.           D. 600 yuan.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. We can go free sightseeing if we attend the school English courses on weekends.

B. No one who likes cooking can attend the school cooking competition for free.

C. We can sing and dance with teachers and students during the school art festival.

D. The A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills may cost us 200 yuan.


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章主要是讲述了三个海报;学校艺术节;学校英语课程;烹饪比赛。介绍了时间,日期及具体是内容。 1.细节理解题。根据第一个海报中 Date: Jan.1—Jan.6, 2015可知学校的艺术节持续一周的时间。可知选A 2.细节理解题。根据文中第三个海报Date: June 1, 2014可知烹饪比赛的时间是June 1, 2014,故选C 3.细节理解题。根据在第一个海报中watching great paintings ;enjoy beautiful fireworks;have delicious Chinese meals;Sing and dance with teachers and students.可知只有C是错误的;故选C 4.细节理解题。根据问题如果你一周上六个月的英语课程,需要支付多少?根据文中Six-month English courses for students at very low cost: 50 yuan for 8 hours; 可知故选D。 5.细节理解题。通读全文可知以下句子哪一个是不正确的,只有B是不正确的,故选B 考点:布告类短文阅读。

Once there lived a young but foolish king and queen in ancient China. One day the queen had a baby daughter. When they saw their baby, they both cried. “My goodness (天哪!)! How small and ugly it is! It has no hair or teeth! It’s a monster!” they sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some medicine for her.

“When she takes your medicine, she must grow up to the right size at once and have hair and teeth when we see her again, the king said angrily, “If you can’t do this, you will be dead.”

The doctors all thought it impossible. But they dared not say anything against the king. Just then an old doctor stepped forward. “Oh, we shall certainly obey your order,” he said, “but it takes time. We have to build a wooden house near the Kun Lun Mountains. We must live there till the snow melts (融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those mountains only in six years. So we need twelve years.”

At last the king agreed with him. So the doctors together took the princess (公主) away with them. One her twelfth birthday, the doctors brought their princess back to her parents, with long black hair and beautiful white teeth. The king and queen were excited when they saw their beautiful princess. He gave the doctors a lot of expensive presents happily in return. They all had a happy life.

1. Why does the girl have no hair or teeth?

A. Because she’s a monster.

B. Because she’s only a baby.

C. Because she’s a princess.

D. Because she’s a disabled girl.

2. What do you think of the king and queen?

A. Foolish.           B. Careless.

C. Creative.         D. Knowledgeable.

3. Who brought up the princess to her twelfth birthday?

A. The doctors.       B. The farmers.

C. The girl herself.  D. The king and queen.

4. How often does the snow on Kun Lun Mountains melt?

A. Once a year.       B. Twice ten years.

C. Every six years.   D. Every twelve years.

5.What didn’t happen in the story?

A. The princess became a beautiful girl.

B. All the doctors in the country were killed.

C. The king and queen had a happy life.

D. The doctors raised the princess for twelve years.





A:      1.

B: I went to Shanghai with my friends.

A: Did you go there for a vacation?

B: No, we didn’t.      2.

A: For a concert? Whose concert?

B: Girls’ Generation (少女时代) from Korea.

A:      3.

B: Very much. It’s my favorite band.

A:     4.

B: No, I can’t. But they can sing and dance quite well. I like music that I can dance to. What about you?

A:     5.    And I like music that I can sing along with.

A. What a pity!

B. I like quiet music.

C. Do you like the band?

D. We went there for a concert.

E. It sounds interesting.

F. Where did you go last weekend?

G. Can you understand Korean songs?




This is a message world. You speak, write letters, make a telephone call. You words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words?

A smile on your face shows you are          or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hands in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You       your head, and people know you are saying “No”. You nod and people know you are saying “Yes”. Other things can also carry messages.

For example, a sign at the bus helps you to know       bus to take. A sign on the door helps you where to go in or out. Have you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?

People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his         to tell beautiful scenery, interesting people, and many other things. A musician can express his or her feelings through music. You can         happiness, sorrows, worries, sadness, and beauty by listening to some kinds of music. A dancer can express his or her feelings through his or her body. That’s a kind of body        .

Books are written to       you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas and feelings. Books, magazines, newspapers, TVs, radios, QQ,s e-mails, movies and mobile phones       help us communicate with others. They can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

I enjoy reading in my       time. An interesting book, a cup of green tea, a comfortable chair. I can spend my Sunday afternoons        and happily in the warm winter sunshine.

Communication is everywhere in the world and in our lives.

1.A. safe                B. happy               C. young            D. alone

2.A. shake               B. lift                 C. touch             D. wash

3.A. what                B. when               C. where            D. which

4.A. buildings            B. meanings            C. paintings          D. beginnings

5.A. provide             B. volunteer            C. consider           D. experience

6.A. direction            B. emotion             C. business           D. language

7.A. tell                 B. say                 C. talk               D. speak

8.A. both                B. all                  C. none              D. neither

9.A. busy               B. hard                 C. free               D. easy

10.A. badly              B. nearly               C. quietly            D. Terribly



If you are lost in the mountain, don’t get nervous. Staying calm will greatly       your chances of survival. Many people think that good preparation is very         . But actually the most important thing is to keep calm. In order to survive, you can do the following things.

First, find a hiding place.

Unnecessary movement will make you         . You’d better find a hiding place to rest in order to save your        . If you are in snow, you may be able to dig a cave for protection          the cold weather.

Second, send a signal(信号) to searchers for help.

The best time to          a signal for help is during the day. Do this from the           point. It will be easier for searchers to see you. If you take a box of matches, build three smoky fires with some dry branches and the           will tell other people where you are.

Third, do not walk away.

Walking away will make it more difficult to find you,             searchers will try to follow your path and may        you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchers often find a car with no one in it.

1.A.Reduce    B.Increase   C.Include      D.prove

2.A.Helpless   B.Hopeful   C.Important   D.useless

3.A.strong     B.Weak     C.Happy       D.sad

4.A.Food      B.Money    C.Water       D.energy

5.A.From      B.At      C.For        D.off

6.A.buy      B.Send     C.take         D.borrow

7.A.low       B.High     C.Lowest      D.highest

8.A.Smoke    B.Matches   C.Box        D.branches

9.A.but       B.Because  C.although      D.so

10.A.Catch    B.Fetch    C.Miss         D.run




Beijing Duck, some broccoli, tomato soup, and some rice, please.

A. May I take your order, sir       B. What’s the date today

C. How’s it going                 D.  Any message for me



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