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单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的...



1.His actions r____________(反映) his thoughts.

2.The girl s____________(很少) comes here to visit me.

3.We have no c____________(选择) but to follow the rules.

4.I like c____________(酥脆的) potato chips.

5.I enjoyed catching i____________(昆虫)  in the forest in childhood.


1.reflect 2.seldom 3.choice 4.crispy 5.insects 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:他的行动反映了他的想法;结合语境故答案是动词reflect。 2.seldom 是频度副词表示很少。句意:这个女孩很少来这看我。结合语境故填seldom 3. have no choice but to do表示除了做什么没有别的选择,结合语境故选choice 4.脆的土豆条。结合语境故填形容词crispy 5.句意:在儿童时代,我喜欢在森林了捉昆虫。结合语境故填insects 考点:单词拼写。

In the modern world, pressure is a serious problem. Today, most student are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates. While others may worry about their tests. Even they can't get enough and good sleep. I’m always under pressure, too.

How can we solve the pressure problems? Here are my suggestions.

The first, tell your pressure to someone. I think a conversation with parents or teachers is necessary to solve the problem. We can talk our problems with our teachers or parents. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends. I feel tired and unhappy. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last.

The second, learn to relax yourself. I think the most important way to relieve us from our pressure is to learn to relax ourselves. In order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies and interests. Different students have different ways. For example, we can listen to music, watch TV, or read some books. But for me I often exercise. I enjoy it. I think taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think sports are really helpful to both my health and my study. We can also go for a trip. We can visit somewhere beautiful and peaceful to relax. And we can get close to the nature.

1.Why does the writer feel tired and unhappy?

A. He can't get well along with his classmates and friends.

B. He always worries about all his tests in school.

C. His parents send him to all kinds of training classes.

D. His teachers give him too much homework every day.

2.What does the underlined word mean?

A. 增加              B. 设计                C. 消除              D. 吸纳

3. How does the writer usually relax himself?

A. To watch TV.            B. To exercise often.

C. To go travelling.       D. To listen to music.

4. Which of the following statements is right according to the passage?

A. The writer gives us two ways to solve the pressure problem.

B. The writer thinks pressure isn't a problem in the modern world.

C. Sports aren't good ways to relax because it can make us tired.

D. There are six ways to relax ourselves in the short passage.

5. What is the best title (标题) of the passage?

A. Who to have conversations with.

B. How to learn to relax ourselves.

C. Where to go for a trip on vacation.

D. How to solve the pressure problems.



Spring Festival makes us fat. We visit our relatives and eat. We watch television and eat. We play video games and eat. By the end of the holidays we are fatter and less fit.

The easiest way to avoid getting fat is to eat le ss! There is just too much good food to eat. And much of that good food is not good for our health. Hamburgers, Kentucky Fried Chicken and French fries taste good but harm our health.

Most of these foods come from America. And Americans are worried about their children, too. 25% of American kids are overweight. They get less than 15 minutes of exercise a day, drink 2 litres of soft drinks, and spend 20% of their day watching TV and playing video games.

However, most American kids are very active and there are lots of opportunities for them to play sports. They play basketball, American football, soccer, baseball and ice hockey (冰上曲棍球). There are even “Little Leagues” for kids as young as 5 to play organized sports.

So what can you do in China to get fit instead of fat? Well, you can start doing simple things, like walking more. Get off the bus one stop before your school and walk the rest of the way. Swimming is also a great way to keep fit. Just look at Guo Jingjing! Or you can skip rope ( 跳绳) or play basketball with friends.

It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you do it. So, get up early, get active and get fit!

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1.During Spring Festival, what do we mostly do? __________

A. Drink and eat.                 B. Play video games.

C. Watch television.             D. Visit our relatives.

2.Which tastes good and is good for our health? __________

A. Hamburgers.                   B. Vegetables.

C. French fries.                 D. Kentucky Fried Chicken.

3. Most American kids spend little time on exercise, less than __________ of their day.

A. 1%     B. 15%     C. 20%    D. 25%

4.Who is Guo Jingjing? __________

A. A great pop singer.             B. An outstanding actress.

C. An active EXPO volunteer.       D. A famous swimmer.

5.Which of the following is not TRUE? __________

A. We should get up early, get active and then get fit.

B. About 25% of American kids are too fat.

C. Neither McDonald foods nor KFC foods is junk food.

D. The best way to avoid getting fat is to eat less and exercise more.



Here are some posters for you:

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1.How long does School Art Festival last?

A. A week             B. Two weeks.

C. A month.            D. Half a year.

2. When will there be a cooking competition?

A. Jan.1, 2015.       B.  Jan.6, 2015.

C. June 1, 2014.       D. May 1, 2014.

3. What can’t we do during School Art Festival?

A. Enjoy beautiful fireworks at night.

B. Watch great paintings.

C. Have free delicious traditional food.

D. Watch dancing show.

4.How much should you pay if you go to the six-month English courses twice a week?

A. 150 yuan.           B. 200 yuan.

C. 320 yuan.           D. 600 yuan.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. We can go free sightseeing if we attend the school English courses on weekends.

B. No one who likes cooking can attend the school cooking competition for free.

C. We can sing and dance with teachers and students during the school art festival.

D. The A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills may cost us 200 yuan.



Once there lived a young but foolish king and queen in ancient China. One day the queen had a baby daughter. When they saw their baby, they both cried. “My goodness (天哪!)! How small and ugly it is! It has no hair or teeth! It’s a monster!” they sent for all the doctors in the country and ordered them to prepare some medicine for her.

“When she takes your medicine, she must grow up to the right size at once and have hair and teeth when we see her again, the king said angrily, “If you can’t do this, you will be dead.”

The doctors all thought it impossible. But they dared not say anything against the king. Just then an old doctor stepped forward. “Oh, we shall certainly obey your order,” he said, “but it takes time. We have to build a wooden house near the Kun Lun Mountains. We must live there till the snow melts (融化) for the second time. The snow melts on those mountains only in six years. So we need twelve years.”

At last the king agreed with him. So the doctors together took the princess (公主) away with them. One her twelfth birthday, the doctors brought their princess back to her parents, with long black hair and beautiful white teeth. The king and queen were excited when they saw their beautiful princess. He gave the doctors a lot of expensive presents happily in return. They all had a happy life.

1. Why does the girl have no hair or teeth?

A. Because she’s a monster.

B. Because she’s only a baby.

C. Because she’s a princess.

D. Because she’s a disabled girl.

2. What do you think of the king and queen?

A. Foolish.           B. Careless.

C. Creative.         D. Knowledgeable.

3. Who brought up the princess to her twelfth birthday?

A. The doctors.       B. The farmers.

C. The girl herself.  D. The king and queen.

4. How often does the snow on Kun Lun Mountains melt?

A. Once a year.       B. Twice ten years.

C. Every six years.   D. Every twelve years.

5.What didn’t happen in the story?

A. The princess became a beautiful girl.

B. All the doctors in the country were killed.

C. The king and queen had a happy life.

D. The doctors raised the princess for twelve years.





A:      1.

B: I went to Shanghai with my friends.

A: Did you go there for a vacation?

B: No, we didn’t.      2.

A: For a concert? Whose concert?

B: Girls’ Generation (少女时代) from Korea.

A:      3.

B: Very much. It’s my favorite band.

A:     4.

B: No, I can’t. But they can sing and dance quite well. I like music that I can dance to. What about you?

A:     5.    And I like music that I can sing along with.

A. What a pity!

B. I like quiet music.

C. Do you like the band?

D. We went there for a concert.

E. It sounds interesting.

F. Where did you go last weekend?

G. Can you understand Korean songs?




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