满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

用所给词组的适当形式填空: 1.I’m not sure if we will ...


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1.Im not sure if we will go out for a picnic this weekend. It _________ the weather.

2.When you leave the room, please____________ the light.

3.What do you ______________eating today?

4.We went to the Childrens hospital to___________ the sick children.

5.Lily___________ the dark. And she doesnt go out at night.


1.depends on 2.shut off 3.feel like 4.cheer up 5.is afraid of 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:我不确定我们这周末是否出去野餐。这取决于天气。根据前面一句话可知后面这句话应该用一般现在时, 主语是it,为第三人称单数,谓语动词depend也要用其第三人称单数形式,加-s。 2.句意:当你离开房间的时候,要关灯。从句please____________ the light为祈使句,应以动词原形开头,故用shut off。 3.句意:你今天想要吃什么?根据助动词do可知这里应该用动词原形,故用feel like。 4.句意:我们去儿童医院让生病的孩子振作起来。这里考查的是动词不定式(to do sth.)作目的状语的用法,空格前有to,空格部分应该用动词原形,故用cheer up。 5.句意:莉莉怕黑。她晚上不出去。根据后面一句话可知前面这句话应该用一般现在时,主语是Lily,be动词应该用is,故用 is afraid of 。 考点:考查动词词组填空。


1.It only________me half an hour_______to school every day last term.

A.takes;riding   B.spent;to ride

C.cost;walk      D.took;to walk

2.Please stop________and tell me what’s wrong.

A.to cry   B.crying  C.cry   D.cried

3. How long have your uncle and your aunt _______?—  For three years.

A. married         B. has married

C. got married     D. been married

4.I _______ all the exercises before I handed in the exercise books.

A. have finished    B. finished

C. had finished     D. finish

5.What ______ you _______ when she came in?

A. did, do         B. are, doing

C. do, do          D. were, doing



Li Ying used to _______playing the piano, but now she gets used _______the violin.

A. like ; to play     B. liking ; to playing

C. liking ; to play   D.like ; to playing



There are __________ people shopping in the new supermarket, because it is on sale.

A.four hundreds      B. four hundred  of

C. hundred  of       D. hundreds  of



---Tim,how do your parents like pop music?

---___________ my dad ___________ my mom likes it.They both prefer classical music.

A. Either; or             B. Neither ; nor

C. Not only; but also     D.Both;and



I don’t like the music.It made me ______.

A.slept      B.sleeping    C.sleepy     D.asleep



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