满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Chloe Lang is a fifteen-year-old America...

Chloe Lang is a fifteen-year-old American girl. She loves cooking a lot. When she was a little girl, she helped her grandma make meals at home.

A year ago, Chloe wrote a letter to Rachel Ray, a famous host of a TV cookery(烹饪法) show. She asked for a ticket to be one of the audience, but she got nothing. One day in June, Chloe got a phone call from Rachel Ray luckily. One of his programmes is called Café One Night and it needed five teen cooks to help in a restaurant for a night.

In mid-July Chloe went to meet Rachel Ray and the other teen cooks. “During our stay with Rachel Ray, we were happy and excited. We were working so hard when they made the records.” Chloe says. “We made some wonderful food that night.”

Guess who came to eat! When Chloe and her friends saw their guests, they all held their breath, and then they screamed and clapped! In addition to some famous singer stars, the former US President Bill Clinton was also there!


1.How old is Chloe Lang?

A. Five.    B. Ten.   C. Twelve.  D. Fifteen.

2.How did Chloe Lang learn to cook?

A. She learnt it by watching TV cookery shows.

B. She learnt it by helping her grandma at home.

C. She learnt it from Rachel Ray.

D. She learnt it by reading cookery books.

3.Why did Chloe write a letter to Rachel Ray?

A.Because she wanted to be one of the five teen cooks in a programme.

B.Because she wanted to watch the TV cookery show on TV.

C.Because she wanted to go to the TV station to watch the TV cookery show.

D.Because she wanted to host a program about cookery.

4.On which of the following days might Chloe go to meet Rachel Ray?

A. On June 15.  B. On July 8.

C. On July 16.  D. On July 25.

5.Rachel Ray and the other _____teen cooks made some wonderful food that night.

A. four    B. five   C. six   D. Seven


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:克罗伊朗是一名15岁的美国女孩。她非常喜欢做饭。当她是个小女孩时,就在家帮奶奶做饭。一年前她给著名烹饪节目主持人Rachel Ray写信,想成为一名观众,但没有得到回复。六月的一天,克罗伊朗接到Rachel Ray的电话,他的一个叫做Café One Night的节目需要五个少年厨师。克罗伊朗和另外四个少年厨师都很开心,并只做了一些美味的食物。她们的客人除一些著名歌手明星外,还有美国前总统比尔.克林顿。 1. 2. 3. asked for a ticket to be one of the audience”可知她给Rachel Ray写信是因为她想成为这个烹饪节目的观众,即去电视台观看节目,故选C。 4. 可知克洛伊是在七月中旬与Rachel Ray见的面,故几个选项中最可能的时间是7月16日,故选C。 5. needed five teen cooks to help in a restaurant for a night. ”,可知除克洛伊外还有四名青年厨师,故选A。 考点:人物类阅读。

Maybe most people know that there is water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution around us, but few people know that there is another kind of pollution—light pollution. In fact, it can be everywhere, depending on the time of the day.

Light pollution is the result of the wasted energy. Instead of providing light for people on the earth, most bright light shines into the sky, because people don’t design lights very well. At the same time, lights are brighter than necessary. All these cause light pollution. Stars in the night sky always provide everyone with wonderful sights(景色), but light pollution prevents them from being seen.

Some scientists say that light pollution can also bring some health problems to people, especially to kids. So it’s the high time for us to do something useful to stop light pollution.


1.Light pollution isn’t serious enough for us to stop it now.

2.All the people know light pollution well today.

3.Most light shines into the sky instead of providing light for people.

4.People in big cities can’t see stars clearly in the night sky.

5.Light pollution doesn’t do harm to people’s health.





A: Hi, Peter. I see you wearing a pair of glasses. But you didn’t wear it before, did you?

B:    1.    But I’m afraid I have to wear it now.

A:     2.

B: Because I get screen sightedness(近视症)and     3.

A:    4.    What happened?

B: My doctor said that I watched movies or played games on my iPad quite a lot. I suggest you not to do that like me.

A:    5.      Peter.

B: You’re welcome.

A. Why ?

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. No, I didn’t.

D. Thank you for your advice.

E. Yes, I did.

F. I can’t see things clearly.

G. Yes, I didn’t



Cloze test.(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)

Nobody can be happy all the time. You may become unhappy sometimes,    ,when you fail an exam. Or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends or relatives. It’s     to have these feelings. If you don’t know how to solve these problems, you may     something from Jeff.

Jeff almost went mad when his     was killed in a car accident. He     play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. Instead ,he just sat in his bedroom and didn’t talk to    ,even his parents. Jeff felt that the world was unfair .He was quite angry with the driver     his car hit his brother, even though it was an     .After a few months, Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. Now he still     his brother, but he doesn’t hate the driver any longer. He is beginning to talk to his parents and this makes them happy again. He doesn’t    in his room by himself any longer. Instead , he goes to the movies or plays sports with his friends and he is feeling better now.

1.A. for example    B. in fact        C. above all     D. after all

2.A. unusual         B. normal        C. likely        D. strange

3.A. stop            B. learn          C. protect       D. hear

4.A. friend          B. mother         C. father        D. brother

5.A. refused to      B. liked to         C. planned to    D. tried to

6.A. somebody       B. everybody      C. anybody      D. nobody

7.A. although        B. so             C. because       D. while

8.A. experience      B. experiment     C. accident       D. instruction

9.A. helps           B. misses         C. likes         D. respects

10.A. live           B. play           C. lie           D. stay



Tell me everything _____ you know.

A. which        B. where           C. whose             D. that



I have many hobbies, _______collecting stamps, playing football and so on.

A. such as           B. for example

C. that is to say    D. in fact



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