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Vocabulary.(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) Complete the...


Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given.

Victor used to be such a good runner that he__ 1.__(win) nine awards at the age of 18. Then one day while he__2.__(run) along the roadside, an accident suddenly happened to him. Unfortunately both of his legs__3.__(injure) seriously by a car out of control. Since then, he__4._(be)able to walk any more. After a long time, he knew life should not stop for him. One of the things he became interested in was foreign languages. Every day he listened to tapes and read books. After several years he became fluent in three languages. Then he__5._(try) his best to work as a translator in a company. To everybody’s surprise, he became the best one in the city.


1.had won 2.was running 3.were injured 4..has not been 5.tried 【解析】 试题分析:维克多曾经是个好运动员,以至于18岁时他就已经获得了九个奖项。然后有一天他沿着路边跑步时,突然发生了事故。不幸的是,他的两条腿严重地被一辆失控的汽车伤害。从那以后,他不能再走路了。很长一段时间后,他知道生活不会为了他而停止。后来他开始学习外语,在一家公司做翻译。让所有人惊讶的是,他成为了这个城市最棒的翻译。 1. won 。 2. running。 3. injured。 4. not been。 5. one’s best to do sth表示尽量做某事。发生在过去,故用tried。 考点:词汇运用。

It’s the end of class. When the bell rings, students of Luohu Foreign Languages School in Shenzhen quickly take out their cell-phones. They want to log on (登录) to their microblogs (微博) to check the funny things that have happened in the last hour.    Since last year, the trend (潮流) of microblogging has swept the country. Recent surveys show that most students in middle schools have a microblog, and some even update(更新) their blogs over five times per day.

“We learn many fresh and interesting things on microblogs and they have become popular topics in class,” said Liang Jianmin, 14, a student at Harbin No 3 Middle School. “If you do not know about them, you are out of the loop (被排挤在圈外).” It is also a great place for students to let out stress. “My parents always ask me to study hard, and encourage me before exams, but actually it adds pressure (压力),” said Zhang Yazhe, 15, a student in Luohu Foreign Languages School. “When I share these feelings on my microblog, I get many replies from friends in the same situation, which makes me feel better.”  But parents are worried that microblogging could be a waste of time. Some misleading(误导性的) messages may even cause danger to kids, they said.

Shen Mingde, a professor at the China Education Association, suggests parents not worry too much as long as kids are not crazy about microblogging. Instead, it can become a window for parents to understand their children.

“If parents can read their children’s microblogs, they’ll know their thoughts, thus (因而) leading to better communication and solutions to problems,” he said. Micro blogging tips for kids

1. Don’t microblog for more than one hour a day.

2. Never microblog in class.

3. Try to talk face to face with people instead of just microblogging.

4. Be critical (批判性的). Don’t trust all the messages on a microblog.

1.Why do the students quickly take out their cellphones after class?

A. Because they want to phone their parents to tell them the funny things.

B. Because they want to listen to music.

C. Because they want to log on to their microblogs.

D. Because they want to surf the Internet to check the funny things.

2.Liang Jianmin thinks people are out of the loop if they do not know________.

A. the popular topics in class

B. the popular songs in class

C. fresh and interesting things on the Internet

D. many fresh and interesting things on TV

3.What does the underlined phrase "let out" mean in Chinese?

A.  释放        B.  泄露      C.  熄灭       D. 开脱

4.What does Shen Mingde think of microbiogging?

A. It could be a waste of time.

B. Some misleading messages may even cause danger to kids.

C. It can become a window for parents to understand their kids.

D.Parents should not worry too much if kids are crazy about microblogging.

5.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. Kids should microblog for more than one hour a day.

B.Kids should try to talk face to face with people instead of just microblogging.

C. The trend of microblogging has swept the country since five years ago.

D. Kids should trust all the messages on a microblog.




Quantity (数量)           Item (物品)            Price

1                     magazine               $3.75

3                     pen                    $0.50 each

1                     tape                   $1.25

1                     pencil case              $2.50

1                     notebook               $1.00

Subtotal (小计)                                 $10.00

Tax (税)                                       $0.50

Total (合计)                                   $10.50

Seller:     The total is $10.50. How will you pay?

Mrs. Green: Do you take credit cards (信用卡)?

Seller:     Sorry, I don’t. Cash (现金) only.

Mrs. Green: OK, here’s $20.

Seller:     Thanks. Here’s your change. Do you need a bag?

Mrs. Green: Yes, please.

Seller:     Here you go.

Mrs. Green: Thank you. Have a nice day.

Seller:     You, too.

1.Mrs. Green wants      .

A. to use a credit card       B. to pay with a check (支票)

C. to get a discount (折扣)   D. one bag for each item

2.The seller gives Mrs. Green      .

A. $9.50     B. $10.00     C. $10.50      D. $ 20.00

3.The tax is      .

A. fifty dollars     B. less than a dollar

C. 10% of the total  D. more than the price of a notebook

4.“Here you go” is the same as      ”.

A. This is for me            B. Please leave

C. This is your bag              D. The door is over there

5.Which of these sentences is true?      .

A. A pen costs more than a tape

B. The seller doesn’t take credit cards

C. Mrs. Green gets four things

D. The seller doesn’t have any bags



Chloe Lang is a fifteen-year-old American girl. She loves cooking a lot. When she was a little girl, she helped her grandma make meals at home.

A year ago, Chloe wrote a letter to Rachel Ray, a famous host of a TV cookery(烹饪法) show. She asked for a ticket to be one of the audience, but she got nothing. One day in June, Chloe got a phone call from Rachel Ray luckily. One of his programmes is called Café One Night and it needed five teen cooks to help in a restaurant for a night.

In mid-July Chloe went to meet Rachel Ray and the other teen cooks. “During our stay with Rachel Ray, we were happy and excited. We were working so hard when they made the records.” Chloe says. “We made some wonderful food that night.”

Guess who came to eat! When Chloe and her friends saw their guests, they all held their breath, and then they screamed and clapped! In addition to some famous singer stars, the former US President Bill Clinton was also there!


1.How old is Chloe Lang?

A. Five.    B. Ten.   C. Twelve.  D. Fifteen.

2.How did Chloe Lang learn to cook?

A. She learnt it by watching TV cookery shows.

B. She learnt it by helping her grandma at home.

C. She learnt it from Rachel Ray.

D. She learnt it by reading cookery books.

3.Why did Chloe write a letter to Rachel Ray?

A.Because she wanted to be one of the five teen cooks in a programme.

B.Because she wanted to watch the TV cookery show on TV.

C.Because she wanted to go to the TV station to watch the TV cookery show.

D.Because she wanted to host a program about cookery.

4.On which of the following days might Chloe go to meet Rachel Ray?

A. On June 15.  B. On July 8.

C. On July 16.  D. On July 25.

5.Rachel Ray and the other _____teen cooks made some wonderful food that night.

A. four    B. five   C. six   D. Seven



Maybe most people know that there is water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution around us, but few people know that there is another kind of pollution—light pollution. In fact, it can be everywhere, depending on the time of the day.

Light pollution is the result of the wasted energy. Instead of providing light for people on the earth, most bright light shines into the sky, because people don’t design lights very well. At the same time, lights are brighter than necessary. All these cause light pollution. Stars in the night sky always provide everyone with wonderful sights(景色), but light pollution prevents them from being seen.

Some scientists say that light pollution can also bring some health problems to people, especially to kids. So it’s the high time for us to do something useful to stop light pollution.


1.Light pollution isn’t serious enough for us to stop it now.

2.All the people know light pollution well today.

3.Most light shines into the sky instead of providing light for people.

4.People in big cities can’t see stars clearly in the night sky.

5.Light pollution doesn’t do harm to people’s health.





A: Hi, Peter. I see you wearing a pair of glasses. But you didn’t wear it before, did you?

B:    1.    But I’m afraid I have to wear it now.

A:     2.

B: Because I get screen sightedness(近视症)and     3.

A:    4.    What happened?

B: My doctor said that I watched movies or played games on my iPad quite a lot. I suggest you not to do that like me.

A:    5.      Peter.

B: You’re welcome.

A. Why ?

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. No, I didn’t.

D. Thank you for your advice.

E. Yes, I did.

F. I can’t see things clearly.

G. Yes, I didn’t



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