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根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。 Succ...


Success means to try your best.

Many people b  1.  that success means to win.In my opinion, it means to try your best when you do e   2.  , no matter you will win or not.When you are t   3. part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as f  4.  as you can, you are successful, though you may be the last to pass the finishing-line.

Because you have showed your best to others, and you have made your greatest e  5. to be the winner.Success means not to lose heart.

No one can always be the w  6.  .You will certainly lose or fail some day.It is important for you not to lose heart.A person who has lost heart is just like a tree without roots(树根).It will be e 7.  blown down by the wind.Nobel had failed many t  8.   when he was doing his experiments.Sometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearly killed.But he never lost heart and kept on trying.Finally he was     s  9.  .So when you fail or meet any d  10.  , just believe in yourself, stand up and give the difficulty a heavy strike.


. 1.believe 2.everything 3.taking 4.fast 5.effort(s) 6.winner 7.easily 8.times 9.successful 10.difficulty 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了成功并不意味着赢,没有人能总是赢,只要尽力去做每一件事,你就是获胜者。 1.很多人认为成功意味着赢。故答案是believe. 2.以我之见,成功意味着尽力去做每一件事,不管是输还是赢。故答案是everything。 3.当你参加一个长距离的比赛时,如果你一直尽你可能的快跑,你就成功了。故填taking。 4.当你参加一个长距离的比赛时,如果你一直尽你可能的快跑,你就成功了。故填fast 5.你已经尽了,故填effort(s). 6.最大的努力来成为赢家。没有人能总是赢家。故答案是winner. 7.它会很容易的被风吹到。故答案是easily。 8.当诺贝尔做实验时,他失败了很多次。故填times。 9.最终他成功了。故填successful 10.所以当你失败或遇到困难的时候,要相信自己。故填. difficulty 考点:单词填空


1.By ________ (control) the speed of water flow, we can make music from water.

2.I guess Jimmy ________ (lie).

3.If it snows the day after tomorrow, the football match ________ (cancel).

4.We are looking forward to the Spring Festival Gala ________ (direct) by Feng Xiaogang.

5.The boy’s dream is ________ (become) a TV host like Meng Fei.




1.The government gives us some ___________( safe ) tips against crime.

2.He was the ________ (proud) of his parents.

3.To tell the ________ (true) I don’t like the drinks in that café.

4.He ________ (success) brought Chinese and western music together.

5.People think ________(high) of Hepburn’s efforts in charity.




1.He could know great _________ (音乐家) from around the world.

2.The Great Wall is one of the ___________ (奇迹)in the world.

3.Jackie Chan is ___________ (认为) by many people as a superstar.

4.There are lots of___________ (富有的)people living in the centre of the city.

5.A witness ___________ ( 举报) that he saw a short thin man run into the room.




Everybody likes music. But do you know that music is different from songs? Songs express feelings with lyrics, but music with tones. Unlike songs, music tones have no specific meanings.

Different people may get different things from the same musical performance. Though some music works are difficult to understand, people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them. Different people like different music. Some love classical music and others like pop music. Most young people like pop music.

Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.

The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”. Pop music has taken the place of local music in many parts of the world. It has caused the number of people for “jazz” music to become much smaller than that in the 1950s and earlier. And it now becomes the most popular one. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the work of some pop singers like Bob Dylan, the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent. Today people still have great interest in pop music. Its concerts and festivals are held all over the world.

Something about    1.

The difference between music and songs

1. Songs can express   2.  with lyrics.

2. Music tones have no special meanings.

The   3. of music

1. People can have fun from music.

2. Different people are 4.  in different music. For example, most of the 5.  people like pop music.

Pop music

1. Pop music,   6. in the USA, became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.

2. “Rock and roll” was the   7. early kind of pop music.

3.   8.  music in many parts of the world has been taken the place of by pop music.

4. Pop music now becomes more popular than “jazz” music.

5. Much pop music has no   9.  of art, but some pop singers and groups are excellent.

6. The music   10.   and festivals are held all over the world.



1.According to “I Can Do It”, what kind of food is Pizza?

A.A kind of food that comes only in a box or from a restaurant.

B.A kind of food made from plants and other ingredients.

C.A school program class students will attend in their summer vacation.

D.A kind of vegetable that grows in the garden.

2.According to “Nature Miracles”, what will a jumping mouse do if you cut off its tail?

A.It will jump farther than usual.

B.It will die some time later.

C.It will lose its balance.

D.It will have a new one soon.

3.According to “Make a difference”, what will the children do on Padre Island On November 16?

A.They will have a pizza party on the beach.

B.They will plant some trees there.

C.They will collect newspapers, cans and bottles for some money.

D.They will gather trash on the beach.

4.According to “A Christmas Carol”, where did Scrooge eat Christmas dinner?

A.At his nephew’s home B.At Bob’s home

C.At his own home       D.At his office

5.According to “A Christmas Carol”, what did Scrooge send to Bob Cratchit on Christmas morning?

A.Fifteen shillings   B.A big turkey

C.Meat                D.A chicken



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