满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-I believe we’ve met before. -No, I’ve n...

-I believe we’ve met before.

-No,     I’ve never been here before.

A. it isn’t the same B. it’s true

C.I don’t think so    D.I believe so


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我认为我们以前见过。-不,我不这样认为,我一起从来没来过这儿。it isn’t the same.是不一样的;it’s true.是真的;I don’t think so我不这样认为;I believe so.我也这样认为。根据对话的意思可知选C。 考点:考查情景对话。  

-Did you see the New Year’s movie-If You Are The One last night?

-Yes, but when I got to the movie theater, the film      for ten minutes.

A. begin          B. had been on

C. has started   D. begun



The bike is the first present       I got from my father.

A. that          B. which         C. it            D. what



-Where’s the old blue bag?

- I’m not sure, but it ______ be thrown away. It    be somewhere in the house .I saw it yesterday.

A. must ;must     B. must; can

C. can’t; must   D. can’t; can



-Basketball is the most popular game in America.

-         .

A. So does it    B. So it does

C. So is it      D. So it is



Xiao Li has       homework and she really doesn’t know       first.

A. much too; what to do       B. too much; to do what

C. much too; to do what       D. too much; what to do



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