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1.Sydney Tower is ______ in Sydney, Aus...


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1.Sydney Tower is ______ in Sydney, Australia.

A. the busiest street                     B. the biggest station

C. the most beautiful park                D. the highest point

2.If you Want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can' t _______ .

A. email sydneytower@ hotmail. corn

B. fax 02 9333 9203

C. search www. sydneytower. com. au

D. dial 02 9333 9222

3.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay ______ .

A. $60        B. $90          C. $120     D. $150

4.Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower _____ .

A. after 11:30 pm   B. before 11:30 pm

C. at 10:30 pm      D. by 10:30 pm

5.The passage above is probably________ .

A. a piece of news  B. a piece of news

C. a story          D. an advertisement(广告)


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了伦敦塔的地址、联系电话、传真、开放时间、票价、网址以及出行方式、订票方式和引入之处。 1.D细节理解题。根据广告信息“Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point…”的描述可知,悉尼塔是澳大利亚悉尼市的最高点。故应选D。 2.A细节理解题。根据广告信息显示,订票传真可以发送到:02 9333 9203,电话可以拨打:02 9333 9222,网址是:www. sydneytower. com. au。结合选项可知应选A。 3.C细节理解题。根据广告信息“$ 60(for an adult),$ 30(for a child)”显示可知,一个成人和两个孩子需要花费$120。故选C。 4.B细节理解题。根据广告信息“open time:9:00am-10:30pm(Saturdays to 11:30pm)”显示可知,星期六去伦敦塔,必须在11:30之前下来。结合选项可知应选B。 5.D主旨大意题。这篇短文主要介绍了伦敦塔的地址、联系电话、传真、开放时间、票价、网址以及出行方式、订票方式和引入之处,以便游客观光,这应该是一则广告。结合选项可知应选D。 考点:广告类短文阅读。

People all over the world eat rice.     people in Asia (亚洲), Africa (非洲) and South America     it every day of their lives. Some people almost don’t eat      except rice.

Rice is a kind of       .There are more than 7, 000 kinds of rice. Most kinds are water plants. Farmers      rice in many countries even in the southern part of Russia and in eastern Australia.

No one really knows where rice     . Someone in China wrote about it almost 5,000    years ago. Some scientists (科学家) think that rice      in West Africa first, but      think it      from India and then was      to other parts of the world.

1.A. Thousands of B. Hundreds of  C. Millions of  D. A million of

2.A. eat   B. eats   C. eaten   D. is eaten

3.A. everything  B. something     C. anything  D. nothing

4.A. grass   B. fruit   C. flower   D. vegetable

5.A. make   B. run   C. keep   D. grow

6.A. came from  B. came to  C. went from  D. went to

7.A. grew   B. grow   C. is grown  D. was grown

8.A. another  B. other   C. the other  D. others

9.A. came   B. come   C. was come  D. was coming

10.A. planted  B. taken   C. kept   D. grown



It _______ over 10 years since my grandpa _______.

A. is; died                B. is; has been dead

C. had been; was dead      D. was; has died



The factory ________ for more than ten years.

A.open      B.opened       C. has been open       D. was opened



---National Day is coming. What are going to do during the _____ holiday?

---I will have a trip with my family.

A. seven days      B.seven day

C.seven-days       D. seven day’s



When I passed the river, I saw some children ______ on the sand.

A. play     B. were playing    C.playing          D. Played



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