满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式: 1.There is somethin...


1.There is something wrong with the _________ (机器). I’ll ask someone to check them.

2.There are many _________ (社区) centers in the town. You can go there.

3.Huaxicun is very _________ (出名的) in China.

4.Thanks for _________ (修理) the fridge for me. Stop to have a rest.


1.machines 2.community 3.famous 4.fixing 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:这些机器出毛病了,我找人来检查一下。machine 机器,是一个名词。根据句中ask someone to check them可知,这里应该用复数形式,故填machines。 2.句意:在镇里有很多社区中心,你可以去那里。community社区,是一个名词。这句话中虽然有many,很多,但是这里的community是做定语,来修饰后面的名词centers的,故仍然用单数形式。 3.句意:华西村在中国非常有名。famous是一个形容词,意思是有名的,出名的。在这句话中做表语。 4.句意:谢谢你帮我修理冰箱,停下来休息一下吧。fix 修理,是一个动词。这句话中使用了短语thanks for…,因为……而感谢某人,后跟名词或动名词形式,因此这里填fixing。 考点:单词拼写。

  Many people take trains for their trips in China, because the train is fast and cheap. But there are many problems when people take trains. It’s not easy to take trains when it is a festival. Lots of people hope someone can solve(解决) the problems.

Then, the CRH(和谐号列车) trains come out. The first CRH train from Beijing to Tianjin runs in August, 2008. CRH1 and CRH2 can go up to 200 km/h, and CRH3 can run 300 km/h. Taking CRH trains is more expensive than taking a traditional train, but cheaper than taking a plane. Some people think the CRH trains and their workers are good, and they enjoy the trips by CRH train.

China starts to make a CRH train, 350 kilometres an hour from Beijing to Shanghai. It can save people more time than taking the traditional trains.

Can CRH trains solve the problems? “Of course not. There is still a long way to go,” about 80% of the people answer.

1.The first CRH train runs       .

A. in August, 2009  B. in May, 2008

C. in August, 2008  D. in June, 2010

2.How fast does the CRH train run from Beijing to Shanghai?

A. 100 km/h  B. 200 km/h  C. 300 km/h  D. 350 km/h

3.The word “save” means “           ” in Chinese.

A. 浪费     B. 节省      C. 积攒      D. 拖延

4.Which of the following is RIGHT about the CRH trains?

A. The workers on the first CRH train are not kind .

B. It costs people more money to take CRH trains than to take planes

C. CRH3 train runs slower than CRH1 and CRH2

D. Taking CRH train is expensive but it is fast

5.Can CRH trains solve all the traffic problems?

A. Of course they can

B. Yes, all the people think they can

C. Of course they can not

D. About 80% of the people think they can



Welcome to Our School Library

Our Library is in the south of our school. The Library is open to every student and the library card is free. You can borrow five books, one CD and four videos —three weeks for books, one week for CDs and videos at the same time.


1. You can borrow picture books for children and all kinds of story books

2. You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.

3. You can’t take any newspapers or magazines out of the library


1.  You can borrow all kinds of video films, TV plays and music videos.

2.  You can’t watch videos here.


一、You can borrow music audios and language(语言) audios.

二、You can enjoy listening in the special rooms here.

1.If you want to get a library card, you _________.

A. have to pay one dollar for it     B. needn’t pay for it

C. need to borrow five books first   D. need to make a card

2.You can borrow _________ at a time.

A. only one video   B. two CDs

C. five books       D. six books

3. At the library, you can _________.

A. buy CDs           B. read magazines

C. watch the videos  D. buy cartoons

4.According to (根据) the library rules, you can’t _________.

A. take newspapers home

B. borrow CDs from the library

C. listen to music at the library

D. read newspapers at the library

5.The library has _________.

A. only picture books for children

B. all kinds of music shows

C. only language audios.

D. different kinds of video films



How do you go to school? Some students may answer, “By car”. Maybe some others will look at them through green glasses (羡慕地).

You       feel bad if you have no cars. It’s true that cars are      . Many people find it hard to think about       life will be like if they have no cars. But now more people know that too many cars bring great       . They make streets too      .

People are trying to stop pollution (污染) from cars. One way is to make             cars. But it       much to make these cars. And more people think about better ways. We can       our lifestyle. A lot of Americans go to work      bike now. Riding bikes is clean and healthy. It helps people get strong. Let’s try together! I hope we can live in a green world with no pollution       .

1.A. can’t  B. needn’t  C. won’t  D. aren’t

2.A. interesting B. important C. difficult D. dangerous

3.A. how  B. what  C. why  D. where

4.A. lessons    B. fun   C. skills  D. problems

5.A. small  B. clean  C. busy  D. modern

6.A. green  B. red  C. yellow  D. white

7.A. takes  B. spends  C. pays  D. costs

8.A. have  B. change  C. enjoy  D. make

9.A. on  B. by   C. with  D. ride

10.A. something B. some days C. some day D. any day



---I’m going to Beijing for my summer holiday soon.   ---That’s nice. _________.

A. Never mind        B. Have a good trip

C.  You’d better notD. I know



---This shirt doesn’t fit me. Can I try on _________ one?

---OK. What about the green one?

A. other          B. others   C. another   D. the other



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