满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成句子(9) 1.无锡有四千六百多平方公里的面积。 Wuxi ________...



Wuxi ________ ________  _________  ________  over 4,600 square kilometers.


a bike to work                      health.


What are you going to be in the         ? He is going to be               worker.


In Jiangsu, some                rice, and                 pigs and sheep.

5.爸爸每天开车送我上学, 所以我不必起那么早。

Dad _________ _________ ________ _____ every day. So I don’t have to get up so early.


1.has an area of 2.Riding, is good for 3.future, an office 4.families, grow, others raise 5.drives me to school 【解析】 试题分析: 1.根据句意可知,这里我们需要填写的是有……面积,这里我们可以使用一个短语have an area of,短语中area的意思是面积。因为这句话的主语是第三人称单数形式,故用has。 2.这句话的主语是骑自行车上班这个短语,应该用动名词形式,故填Riding;be good for 是一个固定的短语,意思是对……有好处,动名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,故填is good for。 3.in the future是固定短语,意思是在将来;office worker办公室职员,office是元音发音开头的,故用不定冠词an。 4.family 家庭,根据句意可知,这里是复数的意思,故填复数families;grow在这里的意思是种植;others其他的人或物,代词,在这里代指的是其他的家庭;raise 饲养。 5.drive sb. to school开车送某人上学,根据句意可知,这里应该用一般现在时态,而且句子的主语Dad 是第三人称单数,故填drives me to school。 考点:汉译英。

Welcome to Los Angeles in sunny California.

Here is Olvera Street, one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles. As you see, it looks like a Mexican market place. You can get Mexican food and many things made in Mexico on the interesting street.

And here we are in Chinatown. There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all through this part of town. You can see that many of the signs (招牌) are in Chinese.

This part of town is called Little Tokyo. And that square is called the Japanese Village Plaza. Japanese holidays are celebrated(被庆祝) there all year long.

We’ll end our tour(旅行) in Hollywood. Of course , this is one of the most famous places in America because American films are popular all over the world. We have arranged(安排) a special tour of a studio(摄影棚) for you. After your tour is over, we will take you back to your hotel.

Have a good time in Los Angeles!

1.   to visit in Los Angeles

Olvera Street

·It is an    2. place.

·It is one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles.

·On the sreet, you get Mexican food and    3.   of things made in Mexico


There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all over the town. Many signs are in  5.

Little Tokyo

There is a square   6.  the Japanese Village Plaza. People 7.  Japanese holidays on the square all year long.


·It is one of the most     8.   places in America.

·  9.   made here are popular all over the world.

·a special tour---visit a   10.     .




1.Let him _________ (show) you the picture in the newspaper.

2.Keep quiet, please! The child _________ (sleep) in the bedroom at the moment.

3.To keep healthy, he spends as much time as he can _________ (exercise) every day.

4.He _________ (stay) in the schoolyard after school every day.

5.Ask him _________ (not be) late again. He should get up earlier.

6.We will go for a walk after supper if it             (not rain).

7.We look forward to _________ (visit) the Chinese gardens in Suzhou.

8.Are you sure the policemen _________ (catch) the robber soon?




1.This Friday is my brother’s _________ (twenty) birthday.

2.--Whose cars are these? ---They are the _________ (visit) over there.

3.It’s two            (hour) drive from here to Shanghai.

4.The books on the shelf are ours. Those on the floor are _________ (they).




1.There is something wrong with the _________ (机器). I’ll ask someone to check them.

2.There are many _________ (社区) centers in the town. You can go there.

3.Huaxicun is very _________ (出名的) in China.

4.Thanks for _________ (修理) the fridge for me. Stop to have a rest.



  Many people take trains for their trips in China, because the train is fast and cheap. But there are many problems when people take trains. It’s not easy to take trains when it is a festival. Lots of people hope someone can solve(解决) the problems.

Then, the CRH(和谐号列车) trains come out. The first CRH train from Beijing to Tianjin runs in August, 2008. CRH1 and CRH2 can go up to 200 km/h, and CRH3 can run 300 km/h. Taking CRH trains is more expensive than taking a traditional train, but cheaper than taking a plane. Some people think the CRH trains and their workers are good, and they enjoy the trips by CRH train.

China starts to make a CRH train, 350 kilometres an hour from Beijing to Shanghai. It can save people more time than taking the traditional trains.

Can CRH trains solve the problems? “Of course not. There is still a long way to go,” about 80% of the people answer.

1.The first CRH train runs       .

A. in August, 2009  B. in May, 2008

C. in August, 2008  D. in June, 2010

2.How fast does the CRH train run from Beijing to Shanghai?

A. 100 km/h  B. 200 km/h  C. 300 km/h  D. 350 km/h

3.The word “save” means “           ” in Chinese.

A. 浪费     B. 节省      C. 积攒      D. 拖延

4.Which of the following is RIGHT about the CRH trains?

A. The workers on the first CRH train are not kind .

B. It costs people more money to take CRH trains than to take planes

C. CRH3 train runs slower than CRH1 and CRH2

D. Taking CRH train is expensive but it is fast

5.Can CRH trains solve all the traffic problems?

A. Of course they can

B. Yes, all the people think they can

C. Of course they can not

D. About 80% of the people think they can



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