满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— How was ______ dinner at Sue’s house? ...

How was ______ dinner at Sue’s house?

It was great. Sue’s mum is _______ good cook.

A. the; /       B. the; a         C. a; the           D. a; a


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--在苏的家里吃的饭怎么样?---好极了,苏的妈妈是一个好的厨师。第一空表示在苏家吃的这顿饭,当然表示特指;第二空表示泛指厨师中的一个,故用不定冠词,故选B。 考点:考查冠词的用法。  


(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。

1.They have no way to celebrate his grandma’s __________ (九十九) birthday.

2.The books of those __________ (工程师) are very useful.

3.Ask them to keep __________ (安静的), Amy. Our English teacher is coming.

4.Read the __________ (布告) carefully. They are helpful to you.

5.__________ (饲养) sheep on the farm every day makes him feel very happy.

6.The road goes __________ (径直地) from one place to another.

7.Now the young like to look for good __________ (工作) here and there.

(B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

8.Your father and __________ (I) are both policemen. They work in the same police station.

9.This tall tree looks beautiful. It has green __________ (leaf) all year round.

10.The man is wearing a small hat in his big head. What a ______ (fun) man he is!

11.We are __________ (luck) to have lessons in the bright and clean classroom.

12.Are you feeling __________ (well) after drinking more water?

13.Living in the __________ (west) part of the country will bring you some problems.

14.Wendy’s __________ (old) brother is an office worker in a company.



单词辨音  在A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个读音与其他三个不同的单词。


1.A. palace        B. Canada        C. Japan        D. manager

2.A. path   B. throne      C. smooth  D. theatre

3.A. problem      B. worry         C. jogging        D. opera

4.A. bamboo     B. foot        C. soon      D. boot

5.A. machine      B. tin            C. ring          D. miss

6.A. beach        B. wheat         C. theatre        D. east

7.A. information   B. forty          C. forward       D. important

8.A. group     B. south        C. thousand   D. sound

9.A. police        B. chip          C. pizza          D. kilo

10.A. neighbour    B. straight        C. eighty       D. laugh




你的班上新来了一位同学,你在向她介绍你的家乡情况,请用英语讲述。 要点如下:





5. 镇上有一个社区中心,义工们……













Wuxi ________ ________  _________  ________  over 4,600 square kilometers.


a bike to work                      health.


What are you going to be in the         ? He is going to be               worker.


In Jiangsu, some                rice, and                 pigs and sheep.

5.爸爸每天开车送我上学, 所以我不必起那么早。

Dad _________ _________ ________ _____ every day. So I don’t have to get up so early.



Welcome to Los Angeles in sunny California.

Here is Olvera Street, one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles. As you see, it looks like a Mexican market place. You can get Mexican food and many things made in Mexico on the interesting street.

And here we are in Chinatown. There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all through this part of town. You can see that many of the signs (招牌) are in Chinese.

This part of town is called Little Tokyo. And that square is called the Japanese Village Plaza. Japanese holidays are celebrated(被庆祝) there all year long.

We’ll end our tour(旅行) in Hollywood. Of course , this is one of the most famous places in America because American films are popular all over the world. We have arranged(安排) a special tour of a studio(摄影棚) for you. After your tour is over, we will take you back to your hotel.

Have a good time in Los Angeles!

1.   to visit in Los Angeles

Olvera Street

·It is an    2. place.

·It is one of the oldest streets in Los Angeles.

·On the sreet, you get Mexican food and    3.   of things made in Mexico


There are fine Chinese shops and restaurants all over the town. Many signs are in  5.

Little Tokyo

There is a square   6.  the Japanese Village Plaza. People 7.  Japanese holidays on the square all year long.


·It is one of the most     8.   places in America.

·  9.   made here are popular all over the world.

·a special tour---visit a   10.     .



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