满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---What time do you usually get up ? ---...

---What time do you usually get up ?


A. It’s eight thirty.   B. At eight thirty.

C. This is eight thirty.  D. That’s eight thirty.


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——你经常几点钟起床?——在八点半。根据What time do you usually get up ?可知此处询问在几点钟,故用介词短语表示在几点钟。故选B。 考点:考查特殊疑问句的答语。  

She can sing and she can _______ dance.

A. too       B. also       C. or       D. but



Walking to school is ______ good exercise.

A.the      B.an        C. ×        D.a



There is _______ 11-meter-long bridge over ______ river.

A. a; the         B. the; a          C. an; an          D. an; the




1.Millie’s mother _______________ (拥有) a shoe shop.

2.Thanks for ____________ (邀请) me to your birthday party.

3.We can often see some _____________ (公告) on the board.

4.The _____________ (工程师) in our company are going to the USA for further study(深造).

5.Is this book _____________ (help) to your English study?

6.David, do you know the __________ (visit) names?

7.Look! That’s Li Ming. Is he ____________ (fix) his car there?

8.The cat is eating ____________ (it) cat food over there.




1.A. what B. want C. watch  D. water

2.A. king B. trip C. invite  D. fridge

3.A. notice B. nothing C. video  D. over

4.A. east B. wheat  C. sea  D. theatre

5.A. sound B. south C. famous   D. underground

6.A. shower B. window C. row  D. grow

7.A. NeighbourhoodB. soon C. wool   D. foot

8.A. cinema B. company C. cloudy  D. college

9.A. check B. metre C. elder    D. message

10.A. thousand B. anything C. path  D. theirs



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