满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

选词填空:用所给词的适当形式填空。 rule, practice, join, ...


rule, practice,  join,  after, lucky,  for, on,  read,  before,  early


Emily has to follow so many 1.     . She has to do her homework2.          school. She can’t go out 3.          school nights. She has to wash the dishes after dinner, then she can watch TV4.  __    half an hour. She likes 5.        . She usually reads at night. She has to be in bed 6.          ten o’clock because she has to get up 7.         the next morning. She 8.         a music club. She has to 9.         her guitar every day. She doesn’t think she’s 10.      .


1.rules 2.after 3.on 4.for 5.reading/to read 6.before 7.early 8.joins 9.practice 10.lucky 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了Emily必须遵守许多规则。放学后她必须做作业,晚饭后她必须洗餐具,晚上十点以前,她必须上床睡觉,她必须每天练习吉他,她认为她是不幸的。 1.有many来修饰,故此处用复数名词rules。句意:Emily必须遵循许多规则。 2.after school“放学后”,故此处为after。句意:放学后她必须做作业。 3.on school nights“在上学的晚上”,故此处为介词on。句意:在上学的晚上她不能出去。 4.for+时间段“长达……”,故此处为介词for。句意:然后她可以看半小时电视。 5.like doing sth=like to do sth“喜欢做某事”,故此处为reading或to read。句意:她喜欢读书。 6.before ten o’clock“十点之前”,故此处为介词before。句意:十点前她必须上床睡觉。 7.修饰动词短语get up故此处用副词early。句意:因为她第二天早上必须早起。 8.join a music club“加入音乐俱乐部”,主语she是第三人称单数形式,故谓语为joins。句意:她加入一个音乐俱乐部。 9.位于情态动词has to后,用动词原形practice。句意:她必须每天练习吉他。 10.作为系动词is的表语,此处用形容词lucky。句意:她认为她是不幸的。 考点:选词填空。


1.We can see three _____________(钢琴) in the room.

2.Miss Brown is our teacher. She___________(教)us math.

3.She knows ice-cream is not good for her, but it really __________ (品尝)good.

4.Study harder, and your dream can come t__________.

5.It’s very ____________(重要的) to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit for us.



Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our school. Now you are students of a middle school. All the things here are new. The life here is a little different. I think you must know what you can do and what you can’t do. It can help you study well and live happily. Here are some rules of our school.

You have to come to school from Monday to Friday. You will learn some important subjects, such as Chinese, math, English and science. Classes begin at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning. You have lunch in the school dining hall. You can’t eat in the classroom. Classes are over at 3:30 in the afternoon and then you can join your favorite clubs to have fun. You can’t play balls or run in the classroom and hallways. You mustn’t break these rules. I really hope you will have a happy life here. Thank you.

1.Who is the speaker?

A. A reporter.       B. A doctor.

C. A teacher.      D. A  bank clerk

2.On school days, students study  ___________ hours every day.

A. nine             B. seven and a half

C. eight           D. eight and a half

3.The speaker mainly(主要地) tells them _________.

A. some important subjects

B. some school rules

C. clubs and school activities

D. interesting school life

4.What can you do in the classroom?

A. Eat food        B. Play balls.

C. Run         D. Learn English

5.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “break” is  “___________”.

A. 违反          B.  反对        C. 误解       D. 纠正



Hi!My name is Maria. Now I am in China. My life is busy but very happy. I like reading, so I often go to the library when I have no classes. Who is my favorite teacher? She is Ms. Green. She often helps me with my writing. I work hard at every subject, but my favorite subject is P.E., because I like playing tennis. In the evening, I am busy doing my homework. I often do my homework for two hours. After that, I play the piano for an hour. Sometimes I take a walk with Dad. On weekends I usually help old people with my friends. What about your life?  Share(分享) it with us, please.

1.Where is Maria ?

A. In the classroom.     B. In China.

C. In Beijing.    D. In the library.

2.Who is Ms. Green?

A. She is Maria’s mother.

B. She is Maria’s P.E. teacher

C. She is Maria’s teacher.

D. She is Maria’s friend.

3.What’s Maria’s favorite subject?

A. Tennis           B. Music           C. P.E.           D. Piano

4.How long does Maria play the piano in the evening?

A. Half an hour    B. An hour

C. Two hours       D. Twenty minutes

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Maria sometimes walks with her father.

B. Maria likes reading.

C. Maria does her homework in the evening.

D. Maria’s life is boring and busy.




Do You Want To Be A Musician?

Do you want to be a musician? Come to our club, and you will be very happy in the club. We have lessons about the piano, the drums, the guitar and the violin for just $ 20 each. You can also learn to sing ,to dance for$25 each .If you like art, you can be satisfied(满意的),too. It’s just for $30 .

1.How many kinds of instruments(乐器)are there in the ad(广告)?There are ________.

A. 5      B. 6      C. 7      D. 4

2.How much is it for the piano lesson? It’s ______.

A. $25      B. $ 20    C.$30      D. $45

3.We can’t learn about the _____ in the club.

A. drums      B. violin    C. art        D. chess

4.If you want to learn about guitar and singing, you should pay _____.

A. $45       B. $ 20   C.$30      D. $25

5.What does “lessons” mean in the ad? _____

A.教师        B.课本     C.课程      D.教室



Dear mother,

Today is Sunday. I ____ go to school. I stay ____ home. I'm writing to you now.  My school is __  from my home. Every day, I go to school     seven thirty in the morning. I usually    the bus to school. But sometimes I go to school     bike. We have four lessons in the morning. We read and write Chinese      school.

     fifty-five students in my class. Four      them are Americans. The other students are Chinese. The Chinese people are      to me. Now I have     Chinese friends. My classmates are all my friends. I often teach     English. And they teach     Chinese. I can     a little Chinese now. Please      worry about me.



1.A. don't    B. am not   C. doesn't   D. isn't

2.A. in           B. at          C. on          D. of

3.A. ten minutes walk  B. ten minutes’ walkC. ten minute’s walkD. ten minute walk

4.A. from   B. with   C. at    D. in

5.A. take        B. ride   C. by   D. on

6.A. on   B. by   C. in    D. at

7.A. behind   B. about   C. on   D. at

8.A. There is  B. There are  C. They're  D. It's

9.A. of   B. to    C. about   D. from

10.A. friend  B. friendly  C. well   D. fine

11.A. any   B. much   C. many   D. little

12.A. they   B. them   C. their   D. theirs

13.A. I   B. my   C. I'm   D. me

14.A. speak   B. talk   C. tell   D. say

15.A. not   B. no   C. don't   D. can't



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