满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— I am afraid I have to give up my dream...

I am afraid I have to give up my dream of being a singer.

    . No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

A. Don’t lose heart    B. Don’t mention it

C. That’s unusual     D. You must be joking


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—恐怕我得放弃成为歌星的梦想。—不要灰心,没有大而无当的梦想,也没有微不足道的追梦人。A. Don’t lose heart 不要灰心;B. Don’t mention it 不要提及;C. That’s unusual太不寻常了;D. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑。根据句意此题应选A。 考点:考查情景交际的用法  

Shall we meet at the station at 8 a.m.?    In fact we ___. The train ____ until 10 a.m.

A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave             B. mustn’t; leaves

C. needn’t; won’t leave               D. needn’t; will leave



I think _____ necessary to accept his advice because it’s of great ______ to me,

A. it’s, valuable  B. that; value

C. this; valuable  D. it; value



—I noticed Lily _____ a pink dress at the party.   —I think she looks better_____ red.

A. wearing ; in       B. dresses ; on

C. dressed; in        D. wear ; on



__________ terrible mess you have made!   Sorry. I will clear it up right now.

A. What          B. How        C. How a  D. What a



The number of the teachers in our school ____ over 400, and ____ of them are women teachers.

A. are; two-thirds    B. is; two third

C. is; two thirds      D. are; two-third



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