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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Last...


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Last summer I spent two weeks in Singapore with my mother and my sister. Before this trip, I heard that Singapore is one of the most beautiful and cleanest countries in        . I hoped that I would have an unforgettable time there. In fact, the trip was         than I had expected.

Many places in Singapore       us. First, we visited Singapore Zoo and Jurong Bird Park.         the places are very large and many animals live there. So we had to       a whole day seeing all of the animals. However, the most interesting         was the Bird Show in Jurong Bird Park. We enjoyed the         of the birds. The workers had trained the birds carefully and patiently for long       they could dance, sing and even play basketball. At the end of the show, they sent the visitors a message that       people’s awareness of protecting birds. I think it is a very helpful and practical       of educating people about the nature protection.

Second, after spending a week in relaxing and visiting some tourist spots (旅游景点) in Singapore, my sister and I       to attend a short-term English course because English is the official language in Singapore and we thought we would         our English quickly. English was the only common language in this class, so all students there had to speak English during the lessons.

The trip in Singapore was truly a nice       in my life. During the trip, I learned much about other countries’ lives, other people’s thoughts and I improved my English.       , I have made some new friends who I am still keeping in touch         and I hope that I will meet them again some day in China and tell them more about our country.

1.A. Africa      B. Asia            C. America    D. Europe

2.A. worse       B. longer          C. faster         D. greater

3.A. attracted    B. affected          C. attacked        D. held

4.A. All           B. Neither          C. Both          D. Each

5.A. take          B. cost             C. waste         D. spend

6.A. accident       B. event           C. case         D. report

7.A. births       B. fights      C. parties         D. performances

8.A. so that        B. in order to       C. such that      D. even though

9.A. cures       B. prevents         C. raises       D. reduces

10.A. way        B. road            C. result         D. street

11.A. refused       B. stopped          C. decided     D. forgot

12.A. speak       B. pass         C. express     D. improve

13.A. idea        B. experience       C. skill         D. question

14.A. In addition   B. As a result        C. In fact      D. At last

15.A. at           B. with             C. for         D. of


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲了作者和她母亲及妹妹去新加坡度假的情况,除了欣赏了景点之外,作者收获了更多其他的东西,作者认为这次旅游非常有价值。 1.B考查名词与语境理解。A. Africa非洲;B. Asia亚洲;C. America美洲;D. Europe 欧洲,句意: 我听说新加坡是亚洲最美丽和最漂亮的城市之一。根据常识新加坡是亚洲的国家,故选B。 2.D考查形容词与语境理解。A. Worse更糟糕的; B. Longer更长的;C. Faster更快的;D. Greater更伟大的,更好的句意:事实上这次旅游比我期待的还要好。根据句意是更好,所以选D。 3.A考查动词与语境理解。A. Attracted吸引;B. Affected影响;C. Attacked攻击;D. Held举办,句意:新加坡很多地方吸引着我们。根据语境及上下文此处指新加坡很多地方吸引着作者她们,故选 A。 4.C考查不定代词与语境理解。 A.All三者或三者以上都;B. Neither两者都不;C. Both 两者都;D. Each每一个,句意:这两个地方都非常大并且那儿有很多动物。根据上文作者是指Singapore Zoo和Jurong Bird Park这两个地方,故选 C。 5.D考查动词与语境理解。A. Take花费,主语常是it;B. cost花费,主语是物;C. waste浪费;D. Spend花费,主语是人,句意:因此我们只好花一整天看所有的动物。根据提干分析主语是人,所以此处“花费”应用spend,故选 D。 6.B考查名词与语境理解。A. Accident事故;B. event 事件;C. Case事情;D. report 报告,句意:然而在Jurong Bird Park最重要的事件是鸟的表演。根据句意此处是指事件,所以应选B。 7.D考查名词与语境理解。 A. births生日;B. Fights战争;C. parties聚会;D. performances 表演,句意:我们享受了鸟儿们的表演。根据语境是鸟儿们的表演,故选D。 8.A考查固定结构与语境理解。A. so that 为了,后跟从句;B. in order to为了,后跟动词原形;C. such that无此搭配;D. even though虽然,句意:工人们仔细耐心的训练鸟儿很长时间为的是它们能跳舞、唱歌甚至打篮球。根据语境此空是表示目的,故选 A。 9.C考查动词与语境理解。A. Cures治疗;B. Prevents阻止;C. raises 举起;D. Reduces减少,句意:在表演的最后他们给参观者带来激起人们保护鸟类的信息。根据句意此空是指“激发”起人们的意识,故选C。 10.A考查名词与语境理解。A. way 方法,方式;B. Road公路;C. result 结果;D. Street街道,句意:我认为这是教育人们自然保护的有帮助的和实际的方式。根据句意及语境此空是指教育的方式,故选A。 11.C考查动词与语境理解。A. Refused拒绝;B. Stopped停止;C. Decided决定;D. forgot 忘记,句意:我和我的妹妹决定参加一个短期的英语课程。根据句意此空是“决定”做某事,故选 C。 12.D考查动词与语境理解。A. Speak说;B. Pass通过;C. Express表达;D. Improve提高,句意:我认为我们会很快提高英语。根据语境此空是表示“提高”英语水平,故选 D。 13.B考查名词与语境理解。A. Idea主意;B. Experience经验,经历;C. Skill技能;D. Question问题,句意:新加坡之旅确实是一次很好的经历。根据语境这是一次经历,故选B。 14.A考查短语与语境理解。A. In addition另外;B. As a result作为结果;C. In fact事实上;D. At last最后,句意:除此之外我还结交了一些现在仍然还联系的朋友。根据语境此空是指“另外”的意思,故选A。 15.B考查介词与语境理解。 句意:除此之外我还结交了一些现在仍然还联系的朋友。根据句意“保持联系”是keep in touch with,故选B。 考点:日常生活类短文

I am afraid I have to give up my dream of being a singer.

    . No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small.

A. Don’t lose heart    B. Don’t mention it

C. That’s unusual     D. You must be joking



Shall we meet at the station at 8 a.m.?    In fact we ___. The train ____ until 10 a.m.

A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave             B. mustn’t; leaves

C. needn’t; won’t leave               D. needn’t; will leave



I think _____ necessary to accept his advice because it’s of great ______ to me,

A. it’s, valuable  B. that; value

C. this; valuable  D. it; value



—I noticed Lily _____ a pink dress at the party.   —I think she looks better_____ red.

A. wearing ; in       B. dresses ; on

C. dressed; in        D. wear ; on



__________ terrible mess you have made!   Sorry. I will clear it up right now.

A. What          B. How        C. How a  D. What a



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