满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---I’m leaving for Canada tomorrow. My p...

---I’m leaving for Canada tomorrow. My plane leaves at 6:00 tomorrow morning.


A. How wonderful! B. Really?

C. Have a good trip! D. Well, goodbye.


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意: -我明天就要去加拿大了,我的飞机在明天早上6点离开。-祝你旅行愉快。How wonderful!真棒!Really?真的吗?Have a good trip!祝你旅行愉快;Well, goodbye.好吧,再见。根据对话的意思可知选C。 考点:考查情景对话。  

--- Have you finished your homework ___________?

--- Yes, I have done that ____________.

A. yet; already B. already; yet

C. ever; never D. still; just



---_________ did your cousin leave his hometown?

---He _________ for nearly five years.

A. When; has left     B. When; has been away

C. How long; has left  D. How long; has been away



Mrs. Black isn’t used to _________ by sea and she used to _________ sick a lot.

A. traveling; feel B. travel; feeling

C. travel; feel     D. traveling; feeling



The old man lives _________ in the country, but he doesn’t feel _________ at all.

A. alone; lonely B. lonely; lonely

C. alone; alone D. lonely; alone



---Must I return the dictionary today?

---No, you _________. You _________ keep it until next week.

A. mustn’t; can     B. don’t have to; can

C. needn’t; should  D. don’t have to; should



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