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For many people the subject of hiccups (...

For many people the subject of hiccups (嗝) is a joke, but for Harry Mendes, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy from Birmingham, it was something quite different.

His hiccups began one Sunday lunch time and continued day and night for two weeks. After the first week, Harry's parents took him to hospital, but it took another week for the doctors to cure his attack.

Harry, who is now back at school, described what happened to him.

“When I began to hiccup, I drank a glass of water but that didn't do any good. That evening I had hiccups every four seconds. We tried everything to stop them. I held my breath and drank cold drinks. My father even tried to give me a shock but that didn't work either.”

After a week of sleepless nights, he went to hospital. The doctors took an X-ray of his chest but they couldn't find anything wrong.

“They gave me some medicine and my hiccups slowed down, but it was another week before the medicine worked completely and my hiccups stopped.”

Harry was very lucky. The world record holder is the American farmer Charles Osborne, who hiccupped for sixty-eight years. He stopped in 1990 at last, but nobody knows why.

1.Harry's hiccups lasted ____.

A. a week  B. fourteen days

C. twenty-eight days  D. one month

2.His hiccups started after he ____.

A. drank a glass of water   B. went to hospital

C. ate an Indian meal      D. finished his homework

3.His parents decided to take him to hospital when he ____.

A. hiccupped for four seconds

B. held his breath

C. hiccupped at night

D. couldn't stop hiccupping

4.His hiccups completely stopped one week after the doctor ____.

A. gave him some medicine

B. took an X-ray of his chest

C. gave him a shock

D. let him drink cold drinks

5.What does “shock” in this passage mean?

A.震惊    B. 休克   C. 喷嚏    D. 哈欠


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:打嗝是很常见的生理现象。本文向我们讲述了这样一个小故事:哈利从某一个周日开始打嗝,日夜不停地持续了两个星期。父母将他送到医院,大夫花了一个星期的时间才将其治愈。短文最后说,哈利是幸运的,因为世界记录保持者,查利斯打嗝时间长达六十八年,并且最终也没有查明他打嗝的原因。 1.B细节理解题。根据短文“His hiccups began one Sunday lunch time and continued day and night for two weeks.”的描述可知,他的打嗝持续了十四天。故应选B。 2.C细节理解题。根据短文“His hiccups began one Sunday lunch time”的描述可知,他的打嗝开始于一顿饭。结合选项可知应选C。 3.D细节理解题。根据短文描述可知,他的父母在尝试各种方法止住打嗝无效后,决定带他去医院。结合选项可知应选D。 4.A细节理解题。根据短文“They gave me some medicine and my hiccups slowed down, but it was another week before the medicine worked completely and my hiccups stopped.”的描述可知,医生给了药后的一个星期,他的打嗝止住了。结合选项可知应选A。 5.A词义猜测题。根据短文“My father even tried to give me a shock but that didn’t work either.”的描述并结合常识可知,打嗝的人在猛地受惊后往往会止住。结合选项可知应选A。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

Early to bed, early to rise(起), makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying. Have you heard it before? It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. If we do, we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).

Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children need ten hours’ sleep every night. If you do not go to bed early, you cannot have enough sleep. Then you cannot think properly(适当地)and you cannot do your work properly. You will not be wise and you may not become wealthy!

Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when it is dark. The dark helps us to sleep properly, When the daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, and playing games are all exercise. If the body is not used, it becomes weak. Exercise keeps it strong. Exercise helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. The brains(大脑)in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and take exercise, we can think better.

Our bodies also need air to breathe. Without air we die. We must have a lot of clean, fresh air to breathe if we want to be healthy.

1.We will be healthy if we______.

A.work at night                   B.eat well

C.go to bed early and get up early     D.get up late

2.Children need______.

A.ten hours’ sleep       B.two hours’ exercise

C.three hours’ homework    D.four hours’ game

3.The best time to sleep is_______.

A.when it is dark   B.when you are tired

C.after supper D.after watch TV

4.Exercise makes the body________.

A.weak      B.strong      C.clever    D.tired


A.makes more blood

B.helps the blood move

C.makes food for the blood

D.makes us breathe better



Mr. Smith works in New York. Last month he had a fifteen-day holiday, but he didn’t know where to spend it. He spoke to his friend Bill,“I         the hot weather, but I can’t find a cool place in America. How should I spend my holiday?”

“That’s easy, said Bill, “You’d        to Snow and ice are covering the ground now.

Mr. Smith agreed         his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon        Moscow. He had a happy trip there, but one day he            . After lunch he went outside the city, he saw a dog        him while he         past(走过) a house. The dog was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets. He tried to drive it away. But it began to bark at(对……大叫) him. He wanted to look for a stick but he couldn’t find anything      snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone on the ground. He hurried to         but failed.

“How strange Russians are!” Mr. Smith said to himself, “They don’t tie dogs, but firmly (紧紧地)      the stones. My God!”

1.A. like             B. unlike         C. not like     D. hate

2.A. would go         B. would not go C. better go     D. better to go

3.A. to             B. with         C. at             D. about

4.A. arrived in         B. arrive in     C. reach         D. reached in

5.A. made a mistake B. get into trouble C. got into trouble D. find the trouble

6.A. to follow         B. is following     C. followed     D. following

7.A. was walking      B. walked     C. was crossing D. crossed

8.A. except         B. besides     C. beside         D. without

9.A. picked it up     B. picked up it     C. pick it up     D. pick up it

10.A. tied             B. lied         C. tie         D. Lie



The teacher said that they ______ hard-working students.

A. is            B. are            C. were           D. Was



---Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or on the QQ?

--- _______. I enjoy chatting face to face.

A. Either      B. Both       C. Neither       D. None



The teacher encourages her students _____ English as much as possible.

A. to speak       B. speaking

C. speak          D. Spoke



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